Annual Report 2021

92 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Group’s principal risks Key controls and treatment plan(s) Target risk trend 本集團主要風險 主要控制及處理方案 目標風險趨向 Supply Chain Management Risks: 供應鏈管理風險: – The supplies of some core raw materials, components, high-end equipment were limited. As affected by energy shortage, COVID-19, international relations and fluctuations in exchange rates, the Group was facing risks related to the supplies of raw materials and components, rising cost, which have affected the delivery of products. - 部分核心原材料、元器件、高端設備供應有限,受能 源緊缺、 COVID-19 、國際關係及匯率波動影響,本集 團會在原材料、元器件供應、成本上漲等方面面臨風 險,影響產品交付。 – Optimizing supplier management strategies to enhance supply flexibility; - 優化供應商管理策略,提高供應靈活性; – Expanding resource channels to explore supplier resources; - 擴充資源渠道,開拓供應商資源; – Strengthening its control over the use of materials to improve the utilization rate of materials; - 加強物料使用管控力度,提高材料利用率; – Strengthening its cooperation with suppliers and stockpiling in advance to safeguard the supply of materials; - 加強與供應商合作,提前備料、保障物料供應量; – Paying attention to and monitoring exchange rates, market supply and demand relationship, tariff polices, market prices of bulk raw materials, international political dynamics in a timely manner and reducing procurement cost; - 及時關注並監控匯率、市場供需關係、關稅政策、大宗 原材料的市場價格、國際政治動態,降低採購成本; – Safeguarding full delivery life cycle by identifying delivery risks at its source, confirming materials in advance, planning production capacity and coordinating overall resources; and - 全生命週期交付保障,從源頭識別交付風險,提前確認 物料、策劃產能,統籌協調整體資源;及 – Promoting the construction of digital and intelligent plants and improving information board. - 推進數智化工廠建設,完善資料看板。