Annual Report 2021

95 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Group’s principal risks Key controls and treatment plan(s) Target risk trend 本集團主要風險 主要控制及處理方案 目標風險趨向 Overseas Investment Risks: 海外投資風險: – Differences in the politics, laws, technologies, societies, cultures in international operations and the impact of COVID-19 may result in low efficiency in overseas investment management and failure in investment to the Company. - 國際化運營中政治、法律、科技、社會、文化等差異 及 COVID-19 的影響,可能會造成本公司海外投資管理 效率低下及投資失敗。 – Consolidating the level of international operations; - 夯實國際化運營水平; – Continuously improving the construction of systematization and standardization of overseas investments in order to continuously lower the overseas investment risks; and - 持續改善海外投資系統化及規範化建設,持續降低海外 投資風險;及 – Strengthening the analysis of international situations and investment environment and warning management in order to continuously improve abilities in overseas investment management. - 加強國際形勢及投資環境分析與預警管理,持續提升海 外投資管理能力。 Market Risk 市場風險 Foreign Exchange and Interest Rate Risks: 外匯及利率風險: – International exchange rate fluctuations may result in significant foreign currency losses. Significant floating interest rate liabilities may result in higher finance costs if current interest rates increase. - 國際匯率波動可能導致重大外幣虧損。倘現行利率上 升,龐大的浮動利息負債可能導致融資成本增加。 – Improving the foreign exchange management system, formulating the foreign exchange management system, and regularly paying attention to the trends of the changes of foreign exchange; - 完善外匯管理體系,制定外匯管理制度,定期關注外匯 變動趨勢; – Maximising natural hedging position by setting up offshore factories or currency pairings in sales and procurement contracts; and - 透過在境外設廠或銷售及採購合約的貨幣配對,盡量提 高自然對沖效果;及 – Implementing centralised management of foreign exchange funds of onshore companies, coordinating the foreign exchange funds of various subsidiaries to implement centralised foreign exchange payments, while operations such as conducting exchange rate lock-in and purchasing financial instruments for foreign exchange hedging to reduce exchange rate exposure and lower the exchange rate risk. - 實施境內公司外匯資金集中管理,統籌各附屬公司外匯 資金,推行外匯集中支付,並進行匯率鎖定、購買金融 工具進行匯率對沖等操作以減少匯率敞口,降低匯率波 動風險。