Annual Report 2021

96 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Group’s principal risks Key controls and treatment plan(s) Target risk trend 本集團主要風險 主要控制及處理方案 目標風險趨向 Market Competition Risks: 市場競爭風險: – The Group is operating in a highly competitive industry, the uncertainty of the global trading environment, the instability of the pandemic, the changes in market demands and peers’ conditions, the sluggish growth of handset business, the continuous expansion of the gap between supply and demand, the failure of emerging businesses to become a new development engine and the intensified market competition might result in the risk of lower earnings for the Company. - 本集團所處產業競爭非常激烈,全球貿易環境的不確 定性,疫情的反覆,市場需求和友商近況發生變化, 手機業務增長乏力,供需差距持續擴大,新興業務尚 不能成為新發展引擎,市場競爭加劇,本公司可能面 臨收益下降的風險。 – Expanding the layout of global industrial bases, such as setting up overseas factories in India, Vietnam and other places; - 加大全球化產業基地佈局,如印度、越南等地海外建 廠; – Focusing on industrial and terminal development trends in a timely manner, increasing spending on the product R&D, strengthening scientific and technological innovation and improving the R&D and self-production capability of new technologies and key components, laying out product lines in advance, and enhancing product value in respond to the changes in market demand at any time; - 實時關注行業及終端發展趨勢,加大產品研發投入支 出,強化科技創新,提升新技術、關鍵部件的研發和自 製能力,提前佈局產品線,提升產品價值,以隨時應對 市場需求的變化; – Refining advantageous businesses and continuously improving market share and profitability; – 做精優勢業務,持續提升市場佔有率及盈利能力; – Improving refined management so as to further improve operation quality; – 提升管理精細度,進一步改善經營質量; – Keeping close eyes on the market dynamics, continuously exploring new markets or new customers, and maintaining good relationships with customers; and - 密切留意市場動態,持續開發新市場或新客戶,並與客 戶保持良好的合作關係;及 – Continuously tracing customers’ demands and developing capacity plan to ensure product supply and keep inventory within the safety standards. - 不斷跟蹤客戶需求,制定產能規劃,以保障產品供應, 並將庫存控制在安全標準內。