Annual Report 2021

97 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2021 年報 Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 Group’s principal risks Key controls and treatment plan(s) Target risk trend 本集團主要風險 主要控制及處理方案 目標風險趨向 Customer Credit Risks: 客戶信用風險: – Failure to timely detect the changes in global trading environment, the credit issues that customers may face and customers’ credit changes in time may lead to issues such as failure to collect payments for goods and for stocked up goods. - 未及時監察到全球貿易環境變化、客戶可能面臨信用 問題及客戶信用變化可能造成貨款無法回收、提前備 貨無法收款等問題。 – Improving the credit management system, regularly reviewing the credit assessment of customers, and adjusting the credit limit; - 完善客戶信用管理制度,並定期對客戶進行信用評估並 調整信用額度; – Conducting risky customer screening management when choosing new customers, and tightening management on business terms and conditions for high-risk customers in the early stage; - 新客戶選擇時進行風險客戶篩選管理,高風險客戶前期 進行商務條件條款加嚴管理; – Implementing customer classification management; - 實行客戶分類管理; – Improving the precautionary mechanism of abnormal customer credits; – 優化客戶信用異常預警機制; – Participating in account receivable insurance to reduce bad debt losses; and - 參加應收賬款保險,減少壞賬損失;及 – Strengthening the supervision and management of risk indicators, making early warnings on the trend in credit changes and analysing the reasons for trend changes. - 加大風險指標監控與管理,提前預警信用變動趨勢,並 分析趨勢變動原因。