Annual Report 2023

Chairman’s Statement 主席報告 08 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 資本國際公司(「 MSCI 」)將本公司的 ESG 評級 從「 A 」級提升至「 AA 」級,且全球環境研究中 心(「 CDP 」)將本公司在氣候變化方面的評級 提升了一個檔次。此外,本公司已分別被納入 「恒生可持續發展企業指數」、「恒生 ESG50 指 數」、「恒生指數低碳指數」及「富時社會責任指 數」。 為確保本公司及股東的整體最佳利益,本公司 分別於二零二三年九月二十九日及十月三日購 回 70,000 股及 4,900 股普通股,以反映本公司 董事(「 董事 」,各為一名「 董事 」))會(「 董事 會 」)及管理層團隊對本公司的長遠策略及增長 充滿信心。 展望二零二四年,這仍然會是充滿挑戰和機遇 的一年,本集團將繼續保持戰略定力,堅守光 電主業,並重點推進以下三個方面的工作: (1) 在智能手機相關業務中挖掘市場新潛力,竭力 改善經營質量; (2) 在汽車、擴展現實(「 XR 」) 及機器人視覺相關業務上營造競爭力,著重提 升市場地位;及 (3) 在資本性投資方面加強管 理,提高投入產出效率,側重優化經營效益。 本人謹代表董事會衷心感謝各位股東、客戶及 業務合作夥伴對本集團一直以來的支持與信 任,亦感謝全體員工對本集團發展作出的貢獻。 葉遼寧 主席及執行董事 香港 二零二四年三月二十日 rating agencies and has been recognized by such agencies. As at the date of this report, Morgan Stanley Capital International (“ MSCI ”), an international authoritative index agency, raised the ESG rating on the Company from “A” to “AA” and the Carbon Disclosure Project (“ CDP ”) of the Center for Global Environmental Research raised the rating on the Company in terms of climate change by one level. In addition, the Company was included in the “Hang Seng Corporate Sustainability Index”, the “Hang Seng ESG 50 Index”, the “HSI Low Carbon Index” and the “FTSE4Good Index Series”, respectively. To safeguard the best interest of the Company and its Shareholders as a whole, the Company repurchased 70,000 and 4,900 ordinary shares on 29 September and 3 October 2023, respectively, to reflect the confidence of the board (the “ Board ”) of directors (the “ Directors ” and each a “ Director ”) and the management team in the long-term strategy and growth of the Company. Looking forward to 2024, it will still be a year full of challenges and opportunities. The Group will continue to maintain its strategic focus, stick to the principal optoelectronic business and focus on promoting the work on the following three aspects: (1) exploring new market potential and striving to improve the operation quality for the smartphone related businesses; (2) building the competitiveness on automobile, extended reality (“ XR ”) and robotic vision related businesses to enhance its market position; and (3) strengthening the management of capital investment, improving the input and output efficiency and emphasizing the optimization of the operating efficiency. I would like to express my sincere appreciation to the Shareholders, customers and business partners for their long-standing support and trust on behalf of the Board. I also express my gratitude towards all the staff for their contributions to the development of the Group. Ye Liaoning Chairman and Executive Director Hong Kong 20 March 2024