Annual Report 2023

Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 101 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 股東參與 本公司致力為董事、高級管理層與投資者建立 溝通渠道,並透過多個不同渠道與全體股東 保持緊密聯繫,促進與投資者的交流。董事 會主席將確保採取適當步驟促進與股東的有效 溝通,且確保股東意見可傳達到整個董事會。 本公司已於二零二一年十二月二十八日採納更 新後的股東通訊政策(「 股東通訊政策 」),以 規範及促進股東及其他持份者與本公司之間 有效及良好的溝通,該政策可於本集團網站 ( ) 查閱。本公司認為, 截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止年度,股東 通訊政策促進本公司與股東之間的有效溝通。 與股東有效溝通的主要渠道包括: 投資者會議 本集團會就其年度及中期業績召開投資者推介 會。此外,本集團的高級管理層及投資人關係 管理部門人員亦會安排與投資者的會面,在遵 守適用法律及法規的情況下,向投資者提供本 集團的最新訊息,與投資者保持密切聯繫。 二零二三年年內,本公司在香港舉辦了二零 二二年全年、二零二三年中期業績發佈投資者 交流會及股東週年大會,並在餘姚總部舉辦了 年度投資者日活動。同時,本公司亦在全球各 地參加了多場由知名券商組織的投資者論壇, 以及線上和線下的投資者會議。此外,本集團 於二零二四年三月二十一日在香港舉辦了二零 二三年全年業績發佈投資者交流會。 SHAREHOLDERS ENGAGEMENT The Company is committed to creating channels of communication between the Directors, senior Management and investors, maintaining close contact with all the Shareholders through a variety of channels and promoting the communication with investors. The Chairman of the Board would ensure the appropriate steps are taken to provide effective communication with the Shareholders and that their views are communicated to the Board as a whole. The Company has adopted an updated Shareholders’ communication policy (the “ Shareholders’ Communication Policy ”) on 28 December 2021 which is available on the website of the Group ( , to formalise and facilitate an effective and sound communication between the Company and the Shareholders and other stakeholders. The Company considers that the Shareholders’ Communication Policy facilitated effective communication between the Company and the Shareholders for the year ended 31 December 2023 by the following main effective communication channels with the Shareholders: Investor Meetings Investor presentations are held by the Group in respect of its annual results and interim results. In addition, the Group’s senior Management and personnel from investor relations management department hold meetings with investors. Investors are provided with the latest information of the Group, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Group keeps close contact with the investors. In the year of 2023, the Company held investor meetings in relation to 2022 annual results announcement, 2023 interim results announcement and an AGM in Hong Kong, and held the annual investor day event at the headquarters in Yuyao. Meanwhile, the Company also attended numerous investor forums organized by well-known securities companies, and virtual and physical investor meetings. Furthermore, the Group held investor meetings in relation to 2023 annual results announcement on 21 March 2024.