Annual Report 2023

Directors’ Report 董事會報告 105 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 The Board are pleased to present the 2023 annual report, including the audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2023. PRINCIPAL ACTIVITIES The Company acts as an investment holding company. The activities of its principal subsidiaries are set out in Note 44 to the consolidated financial statements in this annual report. BUSINESS REVIEW Review The year of 2023 witnessed the sluggish recovery of global economy, insufficient consumption demand, constant global geopolitical conflicts and extremely intensified industry competition. Confronted with such complicated and challenging external environment, the Group made painstaking efforts by maintaining its strategic focus, growing despite the challenges, expanding income sources and reducing costs to achieve the annual operating goals of each core business. The details of core businesses are set out in the section headed “Management Discussion and Analysis” in this annual report. A discussion and analysis of the Group’s performance during the year using certain financial key performance indicators are set out in the sections headed “Financial Summary” and “Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements” in this annual report. Outlook and Future Strategies Looking ahead to 2024, the Group will continue to explore new potentials in its existing mature businesses and further improve the operational quality. Meanwhile, it will enhance the competitiveness of its growing businesses to promote its market position. In addition, it will strengthen the management of capital investment to improve the input and output efficiency. 董事會欣然提呈二零二三年年報,包括截至二 零二三年十二月三十一日止年度之經審核綜合 財務報表。 主要業務 本公司為一間投資控股公司,其主要附屬公司 的業務載於本年報綜合財務報表附註 44 。 業務回顧 回顧 二零二三年,全球經濟復甦乏力,消費需求不 足,國際地綠政治衝突不斷,行業競爭異常激 烈。面對如此複雜嚴峻的外部環境,本集團保 持戰略定力,迎難而上,開源節流,為實現各 核心業務的年度經營目標作出了艱苦努力。 有關核心業務的詳情載於本年報「管理層討論 與分析」一節中。本集團利用若干主要財務表 現指標進行的年內表現討論及分析載於本年報 「財務概要」及「綜合財務報表附註」章節中。 展望與未來策略 展望二零二四年,本集團將持續在成熟業務中 挖掘新潛力,進一步提升經營質量;同時,在 成長性業務上營造競爭力,提升市場地位;此 外,在資本性投資方面加強管理,提升投入產 出效率。