Annual Report 2023
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 09 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 市場回顧 回 顧 二 零 二 三 年 , 二 零 一 九 冠 狀 病 毒 病 (「 COVID-19 」)的陰霾逐漸消散,全球經濟開 始步入復甦進程,尤其是發展中經濟體釋放出 較為強勁的動能,支撐全球經濟總體向好發 展。然而,國際局勢複雜多變、多個國家通脹 高企、地緣政治衝突加劇以及全球產業鏈重塑 等考驗仍拖累全球經濟復甦的步伐,增長依然 乏力,各行各業都面臨嚴峻挑戰。 隨著關鍵零部件供應緊張得到緩解,汽車生產 逐漸恢復正常化,全球汽車行業自二零二三年 年中開始恢復強勁勢頭,全球輕型汽車的銷量 在二零二三年重新恢復增長態勢。在這當中, 新能源汽車已然已成為全球汽車產業發展的主 要方向。研究機構 EVTank 發佈的數據顯示,二 零二三年全球新能源汽車銷量達到 14,653,000 輛,較去年增長約 35.4% ,其中,中華人民共 和國(「 中國 」)新能源汽車銷量達到 9,495,000 輛,佔全球銷量約 64.8% 。同時,以智能座艙 及自動駕駛為代表的汽車智能化發展兩大趨勢 也催生汽車搭載更為先進的傳感器、控制器及 執行器等裝置,並融合更高級別的現代通信及 網絡技術,對汽車產業的變革帶來深刻影響。 隨著汽車電動化和智能化進程的日益加速,高 級輔助駕駛系統(「 ADAS 」)已基本成為新上 市汽車的核心配置,汽車攝像頭的需求逐漸擴 大,應用也得以不斷拓展。然而,隨著越來越 多新玩家進入汽車攝像頭行業,市場競爭也變 得日趨激烈,推動技術創新、提升產品品質以 及擴大成本優勢逐漸成為汽車攝像頭供應商鞏 固及提升市場地位的關鍵因素。 MARKET REVIEW Looking back to 2023, as the haze of the coronavirus disease 2019 (“ COVID-19 ”) gradually dissipated, the global economy started the process of recovery. Developing economies, in particular, released stronger impetus and supported the overall recovery of the global economy. However, the complicated and changeable international situation, the surging inflation in various countries, the intensified geopolitical conflicts, the reshaping of global industrial chains and other challenges still slowed down the pace of global economic recovery. The economic growth remained sluggish and all industries faced severe challenges. With the easing of the tight supply of key components, the automobile production gradually normalized. The global automobile industry resumed the strong momentum of growth in mid-2023 and the global sales of lightweight vehicles restored the growth trend in 2023. In particular, new energy vehicles have become the key direction for the development of the global automobile industry. According to the statistics released by EVTank, a research institute, the global sales volume of new energy vehicles reached 14,653,000 units in 2023, representing an increase of approximately 35.4% as compared to that of last year. Among them, the sales volume of new energy vehicles in the People’s Republic of China (the “ PRC ”) reached 9,495,000 units, accounting for approximately 64.8% of the global sales volume. Meanwhile, the two trends of the intelligent development of automobiles represented by intelligent cockpit and autonomous driving urged automobiles to be equipped with more advanced sensors, controllers, actuators and other devices and integrated with superior modern communications and network technologies, which will bring profound influence on the reform of the automobile industry. With the increasingly accelerated electrification and intelligence of automobiles, advanced driver assistance systems (“ ADAS ”) have generally become core configurations of new vehicles. The demand for vehicle cameras gradually increased and their applications were increasingly expanded. However, with more and more new players entering the vehicle cameras industry, the market competition becomes increasingly intensified. Promoting technological innovation, improving product quality and enhancing cost advantages gradually become key factors in consolidating and enhancing the market position for suppliers of vehicle cameras.