Annual Report 2023
Directors’ Report 董事會報告 108 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 與主要利益相關者的關係 本集團的成功亦依賴主要利益相關者的支持, 包括僱員、客戶、供應商、監管機構及股東。 僱員 僱員被視為本集團最重要及最具價值的資產。 本集團人力資源管理的目的乃藉提供優厚的薪 酬福利、推行全面表現評價體系及限制性股份 獎勵計劃,以獎勵及表揚表現優秀的員工,並 透過不同崗位及職務、職稱制定適當的培訓計 劃,且提供一定的機會和平台協助僱員在本集 團內發展事業及獲晉升。 客戶 本集團的主要客戶來自汽車設備集成商、汽車 廠商、 VR/AR 設備廠商、手機攝像模組製造商 及手機廠商等。本集團旨在為客戶提供優質的 產品和服務以爭取在收入和盈利能力方面獲得 持續增長及提高行業地位。本集團已建立各種 方式加強與客戶的溝通,拓展不同的業務並為 客戶提供優質的產品和服務,以此來提高市場 份額及市場競爭力。 Relationships with Major Stakeholders The Group’s success also relies on the support of major stakeholders including employees, customers, suppliers, regulators and Shareholders. Employees Employees are considered to be the most important and valuable assets of the Group. The purpose of human resource management of the Group is to reward and praise the staff with excellent performances through the provision of generous remuneration package, the implementation of the comprehensive performance evaluation system and the Restricted Share Award Scheme. Besides, the Group formulates an appropriate training plan based on various positions, duties and titles and provides certain opportunities and platforms to assist the employees in developing and getting promoted within the Group. Customers The major customers of the Group are vehicle equipment integrators, vehicle manufacturers, VR/AR device manufacturers, handset camera module manufacturers, handset manufacturers and so on. The Group is committed to providing its customers with superior products and services so as to strive for sustainable growth in respect of revenue and profitability and to improve its status in the industry. The Group has adopted various means to strengthen the communication with its customers, and expanded different businesses to provide customers with superior products and services so as to increase market shares and improve market competitiveness.