Annual Report 2023

Directors’ Report 董事會報告 115 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 (8) 王文杰先生為舜宇集團僱員海外信託的受益人, 實益擁有當中 3.54% 權益。根據《證券及期貨條 例》,彼作為信託受益人,被視為於舜宇集團僱 員海外信託所持全部股權中擁有權益。舜基擁有 舜旭 100.00% 股權,而舜旭擁有 389,091,927 股 本公司股份。根據《證券及期貨條例》,舜基作 為控股股東被視為於舜旭所擁有的全部股份中 擁有權益。因此,根據《證券及期貨條例》,王 文杰先生被視為於 389,091,927 股股份中擁有權 益。 (9) 王文杰先生作為承授人被視為於根據限制性股份 獎勵計劃授出的 1,631,931 股股份中擁有權益。 * Sun Guang Trust 的中文翻譯(「 舜光信託 」)僅供 識別之用。 除上文所披露者外,於二零二三年十二月 三十一日,概無董事及主要行政人員擁有本公 司或其任何相聯法團的任何股份、相關股份或 債券的任何權益或淡倉。 限制性股份獎勵計劃 於二零一零年三月二十二日(「 採納日期 」),董 事會採納限制性股份獎勵計劃。根據限制性股 份獎勵計劃,本公司及其附屬公司之董事、全 體僱員、高級職員、代理及顧問均有權參與是 項計劃。 限制性股份獎勵計劃之目的為協助本公司吸納 新人、激勵及挽留現有人才。 限制性股份獎勵計劃由採納日期起生效,並持 續生效十年,由其管理委員會(「 管理委員會 」) 及本公司限制性股份獎勵計劃信託的受託人 (「 受託人 」)管理。於二零二零年三月十六日, 董事會決議將限制性股份獎勵計劃的期限延長 十年。因此,本應於二零二零年三月二十一日 終止的限制性股份獎勵計劃將於二零三零年三 月二十一日終止,除非經董事會決議案提前終 止。 (8) Mr. Wang Wenjie is a beneficiary of the Sunny Group Employee Offshore Trust, under which he is entitled to 3.54% of the beneficial interests. As a beneficiary of the trust, he is deemed to be interested in all the equity interest that Sunny Group Employee Offshore Trust owns under the SFO. Sun Ji owns 100.00% equity interest in Sun Xu, which in turn owns 389,091,927 Shares of the Company. As a controlling shareholder, Sun Ji is deemed to be interested in all the shares that Sun Xu owns under the SFO. Accordingly, Mr. Wang Wenjie is deemed to be interested in 389,091,927 Shares under the SFO. (9) Mr. Wang Wenjie is taken to be interested as a grantee of 1,631,931 Shares granted under the Restricted Share Award Scheme. * The Chinese translation of Sun Guang Trust (“ 舜光信託 ”) is for identification purpose only. Save as disclosed above, none of the Directors and chief executives had any interests or short positions in any shares, underlying shares or debentures of the Company or any of its associated corporations as at 31 December 2023. RESTRICTED SHARE AWARD SCHEME On 22 March 2010 (the “ Adoption Date ”), the Board adopted the Restricted Share Award Scheme. Pursuant to the Restricted Share Award Scheme, the Directors, all employees, senior staff, agents and consultants of the Company and its subsidiaries are entitled to participate in this scheme. The purposes of the Restricted Share Award Scheme are to assist the Company in attracting new staff as well as motivating and retaining its existing talents. The Restricted Share Award Scheme shall be effective from the Adoption Date and shall continue in effect for a term of 10 years and be managed by its administrative committee (the “ Administrative Committee ”) and the trustee of the Restricted Share Award Scheme trust of the Company (the “ Trustee ”). On 16 March 2020, the Board resolved to extend the period of the Restricted Share Award Scheme for another ten years. As a result, the Restricted Share Awards Scheme, which should have originally terminated on 21 March 2020, shall, unless terminated earlier by a resolution of the Board, terminate on 21 March 2030.