Annual Report 2023

Directors’ Report 董事會報告 116 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 管理委員會由薪酬委員會成員及本公司高級管 理層組成,授予董事會管理計劃的權力,包括 根據上市規則第 17 章審閱及╱或批准與計劃有 關的事項。 根據限制性股份獎勵計劃的規定,倘購買導致 有關計劃項下管理的限制性股份總數超過於 採納日期本公司已發行股本的 10% (「 計劃限 額 」),則不得購買任何股份,亦不得向受託人 支付任何款項,據此,限制性股份可根據有關 計劃向合資格參與者授出以進行購買。 自採納日期至二零二三年十二月三十一日止, 本公司根據限制性股份獎勵計劃已獎授的股份 合共 95,788,276 股,佔採納日期當日本公司 已發行股份約 9.58% 。根據限制性股份獎勵計 劃可進一步獎授的本公司股份合共 4,211,724 股,佔本公司於本年報日期已發行股份約 0.38% 。 根據限制性股份獎勵計劃可向合資格參與者以 單次或累計授出的限制性股份最高數目不得超 過於採納日期本公司已發行股本的 1% 。 根據計劃,計劃項下授出的受限制股份的歸屬 期為兩年至五年,且毋須就接納授出受限制股 份而支付任何費用。 管理委員會須以本公司資源盡快向受託人支付 於現時、過往或日後授出限制性股份當日的收 市價連同完成購買所有限制性股份所須的所有 相關購買開支。 限制性股份獎勵計劃之詳情載於本年報綜合財 務報表附註 43 。 The Administrative Committee consists of members of the Remuneration Committee and senior Management of the Company, delegated with the power an authority by the Board to administer the Scheme, including to review and/or approve matters relating to the Scheme under Chaper 17 of the Listing Rules. Pursuant to the rules under the Restricted Share Award Scheme, no Shares shall be purchased, nor any amounts paid to the Trustee from which Restricted Shares may be granted to an eligible participant pursuant to such scheme for the purpose of making such a purchase, if as a result of such purchase, the number of Restricted Shares administered under such scheme shall exceed in total 10% of the Company’s issued share capital as at the Adoption Date (“ Scheme Limit ”). Since the Adoption Date to 31 December 2023, a total of 95,788,276 Shares had been awarded under the Restricted Share Award Scheme by the Company, representing approximately 9.58% of the Company’s issued shares as at the Adoption Date. The total number of Shares available for being further awarded under the Restricted Share Award Scheme is 4,211,724 Shares, representing approximately 0.38% of the Company’s issued shares as at the date of this annual report. The maximum number of Restricted Shares which may be granted to an eligible participant under the Restricted Share Award Scheme at any one time or in aggregate may not exceed 1% of the issued share capital of the Company as at the Adoption Date. According to the Scheme, the vesting period of the Restricted Shares granted under the Scheme shall be in the period between two to five years and no fees shall be payable on the acceptance of the grant of the Restricted Shares. The Administration Committee shall cause to be paid to the Trustee the sum of the closing price of the Shares as at the date on which the Restricted Share is, was or is to be granted together with all related purchase expenses required for the completion of the purchase of all the Restricted Shares from the Company’s resources as soon as possible. Details of the Restricted Share Award Scheme are set out in Note 43 to the consolidated financial statements in this annual report.