Annual Report 2023
Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 11 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 Due to adverse factors on the global economy as well as the challenges of the downward prosperity index of the industry, the development of optical microscopic instruments in overseas markets was under expectation. However, with increasing inputs in the domestic scientific research and teaching market, intelligent manufacturing and healthcare sectors in China and the full implementation of the “import substitution” strategy, the medium – and high-end optical microscopic instruments and intelligent inspection equipment businesses in China will embrace key development opportunities. BUSINESS REVIEW The business review of the Group for the year ended 31 December 2023 shall be presented in the following three business segments, namely Optical Components, Optoelectronic Products and Optical Instruments. OPTICAL COMPONENTS In terms of the vehicle lens sets business, with the gradual easing of the COVID-19 pandemic globally and the increasing stability of the supply chains, the automobile industry is gradually recovering from the dilemma of global semiconductor shortage and the automobile production started to recover towards normalised conditions. The global automobile market shows a trend of diversified development. However, vehicle cameras, which remain to be the key configurations for the intelligent development of all automobiles and ADAS vehicle lens sets, in particular, witness the most rapid growth. During the year under review, the shipment volume of vehicle lens sets of the Group increased by approximately 15.1% to approximately 90,812,000 units as compared to that of last year. The global market share of the Group was still ahead of others, which further enlarged the gap between the Group and the second market player. In terms of the updating and iteration of products, the Group has completed the R&D of the 17-mega pixel “two-in-one” front-view vehicle lens sets, which can achieve the combined function of a telephoto 8-mega pixel front sensing vehicle lens set and a wide field-of-view 17-mega pixel front sensing vehicle lens set. Meanwhile, in terms of hybrid vehicle lens sets, the Group continues to boost innovation for optical structure design to reduce the impact of plastic lenses’ deformation at high temperatures on optical performance for the application of high-pixel hybrid vehicle lens sets. During the year under review, the Group has completed the R&D of an 8-mega pixel hybrid in-cabin monitoring vehicle lens sets. 因全球經濟不利因素的影響,疊加產業景氣指 數下行的挑戰,光學顯微儀器海外市場的發展 不如預期。不過,隨著中國對國內科研教學市 場、智能製造及醫療健康領域投入的加大,「進 口替代」策略得以全面推動,我國中高端光學 顯微儀器以及智能檢測裝備業務逐步迎來重要 發展機遇。 業務回顧 本集團截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止年度 的業務回顧會以以下三個業務單元進行展示, 分別為光學零件、光電產品及光學儀器。 光學零件 在車載鏡頭業務方面,隨著全球疫情緩解和供 應鏈趨穩,汽車行業正從全球半導體短缺困境 中逐漸復甦,汽車生產開始向常態化修復,全 球汽車市場呈現出多元化的發展趨勢。不過, 車載攝像頭仍為所有汽車朝智能化發展的關鍵 配置,尤其是 ADAS 車載攝像頭的成長最為迅 速。於回顧年內,本集團車載鏡頭的出貨量較 去年增長約 15.1% 至約 90,812,000 件,全球市 佔率仍居首位,並進一步拉大了與全球第二位 的差距。在產品更新迭代方面,本集團完成了 1,700 萬像素「二合一」前視車載鏡頭的研發, 該產品可同時實現一顆 800 萬像素前視望遠車 載鏡頭和一顆 1,700 萬像素前視廣角車載鏡頭 的功能。同時,在玻塑混合車載鏡頭方面,本 集團持續推進對光學結構設計的創新,以減少 塑料鏡片在高溫下形變對光學性能產生的影 響,進而實現高像素玻塑混合車載鏡頭的應 用。於回顧年內,本集團已完成 800 萬像素玻 塑混合艙內監控車載鏡頭的研發。