Annual Report 2023
Directors’ Report 董事會報告 128 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 核數師 股東週年大會上將提呈一項決議案,續聘德勤 為本公司核數師。在過去三年內任何一年,本 公司沒有更換核數師。 獲准許彌償 根據章程細則,董事均可從本公司的資產及利 潤中獲得彌償,該等人士或任何該等人士就各 自的職務或信託執行其職責或假定職責時因所 作出、發生的作為或不作為而招致或蒙受的所 有訴訟、費用、收費、損失、損害及開支,可 獲確保免就此受任何損害,惟因其個人的欺詐 或不忠誠行為而招致或蒙受的訴訟、費用、收 費、損失、損害及開支除外。 承董事會命 葉遼寧 主席及執行董事 香港 二零二四年三月二十日 AUDITORS A resolution will be proposed at the AGM to re-appoint Deloitte as the auditors of the Company. There was no change in the auditors of the Company in any of the preceding three years. PERMITTED INDEMNITY Pursuant to the Articles of Association, every Director shall be indemnified and secured harmless out of the assets and profits of the Company from and against all actions, costs, charges, losses, damages and expenses which they or any of them shall or may incur or sustain by reason of any act done, concurred in or omitted in or about the execution of their duty or supposed duty in their respective offices or trusts, except such as they shall incur or sustain through their own fraud or dishonesty. By order of the Board of Directors Ye Liaoning Chairman and Executive Director Hong Kong 20 March 2024