Annual Report 2023

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 15 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 在 VR/AR 領域方面,本集團完成了與一家知 名平台廠商下一代主流平台適配的視覺模組的 開發,並作為該平台參考設計的主推方案。 同時,本集團以高性價比為首要基準,開發完 成了一系列創新的小型化封裝技術,可應用於 VR/AR 全系列視覺模組。此外,在機器人視覺 領域方面,集成掌靜脈算法的新方案在智能門 鎖上得以應用並實現小批量出貨,而基於自研 算法的機器人視覺立體彩色(「 RGBD 」)模塊亦 已向行業主流客戶量產出貨。 在宏觀經濟下行和全球智能手機市場需求疲軟 及降規降配的背景下,本集團的手機攝像模組 業務受到了負面影響。但二零二三年下半年智 能手機市場需求開始呈現復甦勢頭,手機攝像 模組的市場需求亦得到一定改善,本集團於回 顧年內的手機攝像模組出貨量較去年增長約 9.8% 至約 567,482,000 件。然而,鑒於錯綜複 雜的市場環境及日益加劇的成本壓力和競爭壓 力,本集團手機攝像模組業務的盈利能力承受 較大壓力,因此,本集團持續貫徹「以客戶為 中心」的方針,夯實內功,聚焦業務突破,進 一步增強技術領先優勢和產品創新能力,以提 升客戶黏性,進而在激烈的市場競爭環境中仍 保持了全球第一的地位。於回顧年內,本集團 已實現大像面可變光圈光學防抖(「 OIS 」)手機 攝像模組及 1.8 億像素潛望式手機攝像模組的量 產。同時,本集團亦加強了對核心運動器件的 佈局,持續建立手機鏡頭、馬達及模組的垂直 一體化優勢,進一步提升產品系列化整合能力 及定制能力,提高了產品綜合競爭力。於回顧 年內,本集團大像面(芯片面尺寸為 1/1.3” )一 體式設計(搭載自研 OIS 馬達)手機攝像模組已 實現量產。此外,本集團持續推進智能化工廠 的建設以及製造基地全球化的佈局,進一步提 升了高端規模製造能力,強化了行業龍頭地位。 In terms of VR/AR fields, the Group and a renowned platform provider completed the development of visual modules adapted to the next- generation major platforms as a main solution of reference design for the platform. Meanwhile, the Group completed the development of a series of innovative miniaturised packaging technologies with a priority on high-cost effectiveness to apply to all series of VR/AR visual modules. In addition, in terms of the robotic vision field, new solutions with the palm vein algorithm have been applied in intelligent door locks and achieved small batch shipment while the red, green, blue and depth (“ RGBD ”) robotic vision modules based on self- developed algorithms have achieved mass production and shipment for mainstream customers in the industry. Under the background of the macroeconomic downturn, the sluggish demand in the global smartphone market and the downgrade in the specification of cameras, the handset camera modules business of the Group was adversely affected. However, the demand for the smartphone market showed a trend of recovery in the second half of 2023, and the market demand for handset camera modules was also improved. During the year under review, the shipment volume of handset camera modules of the Group reached approximately 567,482,000 units, representing an increase of approximately 9.8% as compared to that of last year. However, in light of the complex market environment and the increasingly intensified pressure of cost and competition, the profitability of the Group’s handset camera modules business was under high pressure. As a result, the Group continued to implement the “customer-oriented” policy, consolidated its endogenous power, focused on business breakthroughs and further reinforced leading technological strengths and product innovation capabilities to enhance customer stickiness, thereby maintaining its position as the global No. 1 amidst severe market competition. During the year under review, the Group has achieved mass production of variable aperture handset camera modules with large image size and optical image stabilization (“ OIS ”) and 180-mega pixel periscope handset camera modules. Meanwhile, the Group also strengthened the layout of core actuators, continuously built advantages in the vertical integration of lens set, motor and module, further improved the product systematic integration and customization capabilities and enhanced its product comprehensive competitiveness. During the year under review, the Group has achieved mass production of large image size (image size is 1/1.3”) handset camera modules based on integrated design (equipped with the self-developed OIS motor). In addition, the Group continuously promoted the construction of intelligent factories and the global layout of manufacturing bases, and further boosted its strengths in high-end scale manufacturing capability and its industry-leading position.