Annual Report 2023

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止年度 289 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 43. 股份獎勵計劃 本公司已於二零一零年三月二十二日(「 採 納日期 」)採納了舜宇光學科技(集團)有限 公司限制性股份獎勵計劃(「 限制性股份獎 勵計劃 」),該計劃自採納日期起持續十年 有效。限制性股份獎勵計劃旨在為特選參 與者(包括本公司董事、僱員、本公司及其 附屬公司的代理或顧問)(「 特選參與者 」) 提供一個購買本公司所有人權益的機會; 鼓勵及挽留於本集團工作的個別人士;及 額外推動彼等爭取達到業績目標,以實現 提升本公司價值,並且透過擁有股份,使 特選參與者的權益與本公司股東的權益直 接掛鈎的目標。本集團已成立舜宇光學科 技(集團)有限公司限制性股份獎勵計劃信 託(「 信託 」)以管理及持有本公司股份直至 股份歸屬及轉讓予特選參與者。在向特選 參與者授出股份時,信託在公開市場上購 買將予授出之本公司股份,並由本公司以 供款方式提供資金。根據限制性股份獎勵 計劃授出的限制性股份由授出日期第一週 年當日起計至第三到第五(視情況而定)個 週年日期間,每個週年日分批歸屬三分之 一至五分之一(視情況而定)。已歸屬的股 份無償轉讓予特選參與者,惟特選參與者 須承擔轉讓本公司該等股份應佔或應付的 開支。 43. SHARE AWARD SCHEME The Company adopted The Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited Restricted Share Award Scheme (the “ Restricted Share Award Scheme ”) on 22 March 2010 (“ Adoption Date ”) with a duration of 10 years commencing from the Adoption Date. The objective of the Restricted Share Award Scheme is to provide the selected participants including directors of the Company, employees, agents or consultants of the Company and its subsidiaries (the “ Selected Participants ”) with an opportunity to acquire a proprietary interest in the Company; to encourage and retain such individuals to work with the Group; and to provide additional incentive for them to achieve performance goals, with a view to achieving the objectives of increasing the value of the Company and aligning the interests of the Selected Participants directly to be the owners of the Company through ownership of shares. The Group has set up The Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited Restricted Share Award Scheme Trust (the “ Trust ”) to administrate and hold the Company’s shares before they are vested and transferred to Selected Participants. Upon granting of shares to Selected Participants, the Trust purchases the Company’s shares being awarded from the open market with funds provided by the Company by way of contributions. Restricted Shares granted under the Restricted Share Award Scheme are subject to a vesting scale in tranches of one-third to one-fifth each (as the case may be) on every anniversary date of the grant date starting from the first anniversary date until the third to the fifth anniversary (as the case may be). The vested shares are transferred to Selected Participants at no cost except that the expenses attributable or payable in respect of the transfer of such shares of the Company shall be borne by the Selected Participants.