Annual Report 2023

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 綜合財務報表附註 FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2023 截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止年度 292 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 43. 股份獎勵計劃(續) 附註:(續) (b) 於二零二三年已授出限制性股份於各批限 制性股份授出日期的每個週年日按以下規 模分批歸屬: 限制性股份 公允值(每股) 規模 港元 2,340,173 股 81.70 二分之一 126,593 股 81.70 四分之一 510,291 股 79.05 三分之一 1,421,001 股 73.20 二分之一 16,361 股 73.20 四分之一 已授出限制性股份的公允值乃基於可觀察 的市場價格計量。 下表披露本集團僱員(包括本公司董事)所 持有的根據限制性股份已授出股份的詳情 及年內該等股份變動的詳情: 43. SHARE AWARD SCHEME (Continued) Notes: (Continued) (b) The restricted shares granted in 2023 were vested on every anniversary date of the grant date of each batch of restricted shares in tranches on the following scales: Restricted shares Fair value (per share) Scales HKD 2,340,173 shares 81.70 One-half 126,593 shares 81.70 One-fourth 510,291 shares 79.05 One-third 1,421,001 shares 73.20 One-half 16,361 shares 73.20 One-fourth The fair value of restricted shares granted is measured on the basis of an observable market price. The following table discloses details of the shares granted under restricted shares held by employees (including the directors of the Company) of the Group and movements in such holdings during the year: Number of restricted shares 限制性股份數目 2023 2022 二零二三年 二零二二年 ’000 ’000 千股 千股 At 1 January 於一月一日 4,955 2,486 Granted during the year 於年內授出 4,414 4,300 Forfeited during the year 於年內失效 (309) (205) Vested during the year 於年內歸屬 (2,532) (1,626) At 31 December 於十二月三十一日 6,528 4,955