Annual Report 2023

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 28 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 據董事所深知,經監管核准目標公司經營以下 人民幣業務: (1) 發放個人消費貸款; (2) 接受境 內股東及股東境內子公司的存款; (3) 向境內金 融機構借款; (4) 經批准發行金融債券; (5) 境內 同業拆借; (6) 與消費金融相關的諮詢、代理業 務; (7) 代理銷售與消費貸款相關的保險產品; (8) 固定收益類證券投資業務; (9) 中國銀行保險 監督管理委員會批准的其他業務。(依法須經批 准的項目,經相關部門批准後方可開展經營活 動,具體經營項目以相關部門批准文件或許可 證件為準)。 投資表現及前景 據董事會所深知,於審閱目標公司於二零二三 年十二月三十一日的經審核賬目後,董事會並 無發佈或注意到有關投資案的公允值或減值。 基於緊接本報告刊發前本公司可得資料,截至 二零二三年十二月三十一日止年度,投資的表 現良好,尚未收取股息,而截至二零二三年 十二月三十一日止年度,投資成本總額人民幣 1,380,000,000 元佔本公司總資產約 2.7% 。 本公司關於第一次認購事項和第二次認購事項 的投資策略乃基於董事會策略及發展委員會 (「 策略及發展委員會 」)認為第一次認購事項和 第二次認購事項是本集團的長期投資,可能為 本集團帶來相對較好的財務回報而作出的建議。 據董事所深知,截至二零二三年十二月三十一 日止年度,除上文所披露的第一次認購事項和 第二次認購事項之外,本集團未作其他重大投 資。 有關更多詳情請參閱本年報綜合財務報表附註 19 。 To the best of the Directors’ knowledge, the Target Company is engaged in the provision of the following regulated RMB business activities: (1) provision of individual consumer loans; (2) receiving deposits from its equity owners and their respective subsidiaries in the PRC; (3) borrowing loans from financial institutions in the PRC; (4) issuance of financial bonds upon approval; (5) lending and borrowing between financial institutions in the PRC; (6) consumer finance-related consultancy and agency activities; (7) agency sales of consumer credit related insurance products; (8) fixed income securities investment activities; (9) other business activities as approved by China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission. (For projects which require approval under the law, business activities can only be carried out after obtaining approval from relevant authorities, and specific business projects shall be subject to the approval documents or permits from relevant authorities.) Investment Performance and Prospects To the best knowledge of the Board, after reviewing the audited accounts of the Target Company as at 31 December 2023, no fair value or impairment regarding the investment case was issued or noted by the Board. Based on the information available to the Company immediately preceding the publication of this report, the performance of the investment was positive for the year ended 31 December 2023, no dividends received, and the aggregate investment cost of RMB1,380.0 million represented approximately 2.7% the Company’s total assets for the year ended 31 December 2023. The Company’s investment strategy regarding the 1 st Subscription and 2 nd Subscription is based on the recommendations from the strategy and development committee (“ Strategy and Development Committee ”) of the Board that the 1 st Subscription and 2 nd Subscription are long-term investments of the Group which may bring relatively better financial returns to the Group. To the best knowledge of the Directors, there was no other significant investment made by the Group except for the 1 st Subscription and 2 nd Subscription as disclosed above for the year ended 31 December 2023. Please refer to Note 19 to the consolidated financial statements in this annual report for more details.