Annual Report 2023

Management Discussion and Analysis 管理層討論與分析 36 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 全球化佈局 生產基地 本集團於中國的生產基地分別位於浙江省餘姚 市、廣東省中山市、上海市及河南省信陽市。 為了推進全球化生產佈局,滿足客戶在海外市 場的需求,本集團已在印度和越南設立生產基 地,並已具備一定規模的產品量產交付能力及 品質保障能力。 研發中心 為及時洞察行業先機,配合客戶快速研發,本 集團於中國及南韓均設有研發中心,為光學及 光學相關產品的研發提供更為國際化的技術支 持及儲備。 僱員和薪酬政策 於二零二三年十二月三十一日,本集團擁有 29,524 名全職僱員。為吸納新人才,激勵及挽 留現有人才,本集團已根據本公司的整體運營 情況、同行業水平及僱員的個人表現,建立公 平及具競爭力的薪酬制度及福利制度,其中薪 酬制度包括基本年薪、年終獎、經濟增加值分 享獎及股份獎勵等,福利制度包括社會保險、 住房公積金、僱員假期及急難救助基金等。在 薪酬分配上,本集團致力於實現「責任與利益 一致、能力與價值一致、風險與回報一致、業 績與收益一致」的目標。 GLOBAL DEPLOYMENT Production Bases The Group’s production bases in China are located in Yuyao of Zhejiang Province, Zhongshan of Guangdong Province, Shanghai and Xinyang of Henan Province, respectively. In order to promote its global production layout and satisfy the demand of customers in overseas markets, the Group has established production bases in India and Vietnam, which have already had capabilities in mass production on a certain scale and quality control of products. R&D Centers In order to have a timely insight into the industry opportunities and cater to the customers for rapid R&D, the Group has set up R&D centers in China and South Korea to provide more international technical support and reserves for the R&D of optical and optical- related products. EMPLOYEE AND REMUNERATION POLICY The Group had 29,524 full-time employees as at 31 December 2023. In line with the overall operation of the Company, the industry level and the performance of individual employees, the Group has established a fair and competitive emolument system and welfare system to recruit new talents and to reward and retain existing talents, in which the emolument system include annual basic salary, year-end bonus, the economic-value-added bonus and share award, while the welfare systems includes social insurance, housing provident fund, employee holidays and emergency relief fund. The Group is committed to achieving the goals of “consistency in responsibilities and interests, abilities and values, risks and returns, performance and income” in remuneration distribution.