Annual Report 2023

Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層 42 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 BOARD OF DIRECTORS As at the publication date of this annual report, the Board consisted of seven Directors comprising three executive Directors, one non-executive Director and three independent non-executive Directors. The information on the Directors is set forth below. DIRECTORS Executive Directors Mr. Ye Liaoning ( 葉遼寧 ), aged 58, is one of the founders of the Group, and currently is an executive Director, the chairman of the Board and the chairman of Strategy and Development Committee of the Company. He is responsible for formulating the Group’s policies and making decisions. Mr. Ye joined Yuyao County Chengbei Optical Instruments Factory in 1984 and became its deputy general manager since 1995. Mr. Ye has obtained a qualification of senior economist issued by the Personnel Bureau of Zhejiang in 2008. Senior economist is a recognised qualification in the PRC and is generally granted to a person who has passed necessary examinations and has acquired substantial management experience. Mr. Ye obtained a diploma from Zhejiang Radio & TV University in 1999. Mr. Ye has been an executive Director since May 2007 and is currently a director of various subsidiaries of the Group. Mr. Ye was awarded the title of “Outstanding Entrepreneurs” ( 傑出甬商 ) and the title of “Zhejiang Province Outstanding Builder of Socialism with Chinese characteristics (Non-public Economic Person) ( 浙江省非公有制經濟人士新時代優秀 中國特色社會主義事業建設者 )” in the “40 th Anniversary of Reform and Opening, Entrepreneurs of Time ( 改革開放 40 週年 • 時代甬商 )” by the Ningbo City Government in November 2018. Mr. Ye was awarded “National May-First Labor Medal” ( 全國五一勞動獎章 ) and acquired the title of “Zhejiang Province Model Worker” ( 浙江省勞動模範 ) in April 2019. Mr. Ye was awarded the title of “National Model Worker” ( 全國勞動模範 ) in November 2020. Mr. Ye has senior professional knowledge and experience in optical industry, as well as extensive experience in financial management, company operations, capital markets, risk management and strategic planning, and has years of leadership experience in Board committees. 董事會 於本年報發佈日期,董事會由七名董事組成, 其中包括三名執行董事、一名非執行董事及三 名獨立非執行董事。董事資料載於下文。 董事 執行董事 葉遼寧先生, 58 歲,本集團創辦人之一、現任 本公司執行董事、董事會主席兼策略及發展委 員會主席,負責本集團政策制訂及決策。葉先 生於一九八四年加入餘姚縣城北光學儀器廠, 自一九九五年起在該公司擔任副總經理。葉先 生於二零零八年獲浙江省人事廳頒發高級經濟 師資格。高級經濟師為中國的認可職稱,一般 授予通過必需考核及具備豐富管理經驗的人 士。於一九九九年,葉先生取得浙江廣播電視 大學頒發的文憑。葉先生自二零零七年五月起 擔任執行董事,現時為本集團不同附屬公司的 董事。葉先生於二零一八年十一月獲評寧波市 政府「改革開放 40 週年 • 時代甬商」之「傑出甬 商」及「浙江省非公有制經濟人士新時代優秀中 國特色社會主義事業建設者」的稱號。於二零 一九年四月,葉先生獲評「全國五一勞動獎章」 及「浙江省勞動模範」稱號。於二零二零年十一 月,葉先生獲評「全國勞動模範」稱號。葉先生 具備資深的光學行業的專業知識和經驗,同時 在財務管理、公司運營、資本市場、風險管理 及戰略規劃方面均有豐富的經驗,並且有多年 的董事委員會領導經驗。