Annual Report 2023
Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層 46 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Ms. Jia Lina ( 賈麗娜 ), aged 56, is an independent non-executive Director and the chairman of audit committee (“ Audit Committee ”). Ms. Jia has been working as a managing partner and director of Jonten Certified Public Accountants (Special General Partnership) (Jiangsu branch) since December 2017. Ms. Jia obtained a bachelor’s degree in economic trade in July 1989, a postgraduate diploma from the department of trade economics and department of business economics in July 1992 and a master’s degree in economics in October 1992 from Dongbei University of Finance and Economics. Ms. Jia was qualified as an accountant from the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants in December 1996. Ms. Jia was awarded a Jiangsu province advanced professional and technical qualification certificate ( 江蘇省高級專業技術資格證書 ) issued by the Office of Human Resources and Social Security of Jiangsu province ( 江蘇省 人力資源和社會保障廳 ) in June 2020. She has been an independent non-executive Director of the Company since 1 January 2023. Ms. Jia has extensive experience in financial management, company operation, capital market, risk management and strategy planning, and has years of leadership experience in Board committees. 賈麗娜女士, 56 歲,獨立非執行董事兼審核委 員會(「 審核委員會 」)主席。賈女士自二零一七 年十二月起於中天運會計師事務所(特殊普通 合夥)江蘇分所就職,任管理合夥人兼董事。 賈女士於一九八九年七月取得東北財經大學經 濟貿易學學士學位,並於一九九二年七月取得 貿易經濟學系及商業經濟學系研究生文憑,於 一九九二年十月取得經濟學碩士學位。賈女士 於一九九六年十二月成為中國註冊會計師協會 的合資格會計師。賈女士於二零二零年六月獲 江蘇省人力資源和社會保障廳頒發江蘇省高級 專業技術資格證書。其自二零二三年一月一日 起擔任本公司獨立非執行董事。賈女士在財務 管理、公司運營、資本市場、風險管理及戰略 規劃方面均有豐富的經驗,並且有多年的董事 委員會領導經驗。