Annual Report 2023

Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層 47 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 Set out below is the information regarding the senior management of the Group. SENIOR MANAGEMENT Mr. Dong Kewu ( 董克武 ), aged 55, is the Vice President of the Company. He is responsible for human resource management of the Group. Mr. Dong graduated from Xidian University in 1990 with a bachelor’s degree in computer and application and from Fudan University in 2004 with a master’s degree in business administration. Prior to joining the Group in February 2012, Mr. Dong worked as a partner and consulting director in a renowned consulting firm. Mr. Dong also obtained qualifications of economist and engineer issued by the Ministry of Personnel of the PRC and the Planning Committee of Shandong Province. Mr. Ma Jianfeng ( 馬建峰 ), aged 51, is the Vice President of the Company and joint company secretary of the Company. Mr. Ma graduated from Xiamen University in July 1995 with a bachelor’s degree in economics. Mr. Ma is a certified public accountant of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants and is a qualified senior accountant in the PRC. Prior to joining the Group in December 2010, Mr. Ma served as a chief financial officer for Ningbo Bird Co., Ltd. ( 寧波波導股份有限公司 ). Mr. Zhang Guoxian ( 張國賢 ), aged 58, is the assistant to the President of the Company. Mr. Zhang graduated from Yuyao Huancheng High School in 1983 and joined the Group since his graduation. Mr. Zhang attended the seminar of executive master of business administration in Zhejiang University from July 2004 to July 2005 and obtained the relevant completion certificate. Prior to being appointed as the assistant of the President, Mr. Zhang held positions including deputy general manager, executive deputy general manager and general manager of Sunny Zhejiang Optics. 下文所載為本集團高級管理層之資料。 高級管理層 董克武先生, 55 歲,為本公司副總裁,負責 本集團人力資源管理。董先生於一九九零年畢 業於西安電子科技大學,取得計算機及應用學 士學位,並於二零零四年畢業於復旦大學,獲 得工商管理碩士學位。在二零一二年二月加入 本集團前,董先生在某知名諮詢公司擔任合夥 人、諮詢總監一職。董先生同時亦獲得中國人 事部及山東省計劃委員會頒授的經濟師、工程 師資格。 馬建峰先生, 51 歲,為本公司副總裁兼聯席公 司秘書。馬先生於一九九五年七月畢業於廈門 大學,取得經濟學學士學位。馬先生為中國註 冊會計師協會的註冊會計師,並為中國的合資 格高級會計師。在二零一零年十二月加入本集 團前,馬先生於寧波波導股份有限公司任職財 務總監。 張國賢先生, 58 歲,為本公司總裁助理。張 先生於一九八三年畢業於餘姚環城中學,並於 畢業後加入本集團。張先生於二零零四年七月 至二零零五年七月間參加了浙江大學高級管理 人員工商管理碩士研修班,並獲得相關結業證 書。獲任總裁助理前,張先生曾任舜宇浙江光 學副總經理、常務副總經理及總經理等職務。