Annual Report 2023
Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層 49 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 Mr. Wang Zhongwei ( 王忠偉 ), aged 45, is the general manager of Sunny Optical Intelligence (Yuyao ) . He is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Optical Intelligence (Yuyao). Mr. Wang obtained a bachelor’s degree from Changchun Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics in 2001, a master’s degree in optical engineering from Changchun University of Science and Technology in 2010 and a doctor’s degree in business administration from City University of Hong Kong in 2023. Mr. Wang has been awarded a qualification of senior economist issued by Zhejiang Province Human Resources and Social Security Department in January 2018. He joined the Group in September 2001. He held positions including the head of sales department, deputy general manager and general manager of Sunny Opotech. Mr. Wang was awarded the titles of “National Electronic Information Industry – Influential People” ( 全國電子信息行業-影響 力人物 ) by China Electronics Enterprises Association in 2016 and “Annual Brand Meritorious Person” in “2018 Ningbo City Double Selection Activity of Brands”. Ms. Wang Mingzhu ( 王明珠 ), aged 46, is the general manager of Sunny Opotech. She is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Opotech. Ms. Wang obtained a master’s degree in electronics and communication engineering from Fudan University in 2007. She joined the Group in April 2014 and held positions including the head of product development department, deputy general manager and executive deputy general manager of Sunny Opotech. She has been the general manager of Sunny Opotech since 2020. Prior to joining the Group, Ms. Wang was engaged in the activities relating to R&D and manufacturing of semiconductors and optics in Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation ( 中芯國際集成電路製造有限 公司 ), Ether Optronics (Suzhou) Company Limited ( 乙太光電 ( 蘇州 ) 有 限公司 ) and Konica Minolta Optical Instruments (Shanghai) Company Limited ( 柯尼卡美能達光學儀器 ( 上海 ) 有限公司 ). Ms. Wang was selected into the Ningbo Leading and Top Talents Training Project in 2017. In 2018, Ms. Wang was granted the “Yuyao City Outstanding Contribution Expert Award” ( 餘姚市有突出貢獻專家 ) and was awarded the “Yuyao City May-First Women’s Commendation” ( 餘姚市五一巾 幗標兵 ). In 2020, Ms. Wang was granted as the advanced person in the promotion action of “tackling for six challenges, climbing in three years” ( 六爭攻堅、三年攀高 ) of Ningbo City. In 2021, Ms. Wang was awarded as the excellent entrepreneur by China Electronics Enterprises Association and outstanding contribution individual in 2020 Yuyao “high quality development ( 高質量發展 )” work. In 2022, Ms. Wang obtained the title of “Ningbo May Day Female Pacesetter ( 寧波市五一巾幗標兵 )”. Ms. Wang has served as the vice chairman of Ningbo Electronics Industry Association since April 2020. In 2023, Ms. Wang was awarded “2022 Ningbo Patent Innovation Contest-Patent Gold Ward ( 二零二二年度寧波市專利創新大賽-專利金獎 )”. 王忠偉先生, 45 歲,為舜宇智能光學(餘姚) 總經理,負責舜宇智能光學(餘姚)的日常經營 管理事務。王先生在二零零一年於長春光學精 密機械學院取得學士學位,於二零一零年取得 長春理工大學光學工程碩士學位並於二零二三 年取得香港城市大學工商管理博士學位。王先 生於二零一八年一月獲浙江省人力資源和社會 保障廳頒授的高級經濟師資格。其於二零零 一年九月加入本集團,曾任舜宇光電營銷部部 長、副總經理及總經理等職務。王先生於二零 一六年榮獲中國電子企業協會頒發的「全國電 子信息行業-影響力人物」稱號,並在「寧波市 2018 品牌雙評選活動」中榮獲「品牌年度功勳 人物」。 王明珠女士, 46 歲,為舜宇光電總經理,負 責舜宇光電的日常經營管理事務。王女士於二 零零七年取得復旦大學電子與通信工程專業碩 士學位。其於二零一四年四月加入本集團,曾 任舜宇光電產品開發部部長、副總經理及常務 副總經理等職務,並於二零二零年任職舜宇光 電總經理。在加入本集團前,王女士分別在中 芯國際集成電路製造有限公司、乙太光電(蘇 州)有限公司和柯尼卡美能達光學儀器(上海) 有限公司從事半導體及光學相關的研發及製造 工作。王女士於二零一七年入選寧波領軍和拔 尖人才培養工程項目。二零一八年,王女士獲 評「餘姚市有突出貢獻專家」,並榮獲「餘姚市 五一巾幗標兵」稱號。二零二零年,王女士被 授予寧波市推進「六爭攻堅、三年攀高」行動先 進個人。二零二一年,王女士獲評中國電子企 業協會優秀企業家及二零二零年度餘姚「高質 量發展」工作突出貢獻個人。二零二二年,王 女士獲評「寧波市五一巾幗標兵」的稱號。王女 士於二零二零年四月起擔任寧波電子行業協會 副會長。二零二三年,王女士榮獲「二零二二 年度寧波市專利創新大賽-專利金獎」。