Annual Report 2023
Directors and Senior Management 董事及高級管理層 50 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Mr. Zhang Zhiping ( 張志平 ), aged 55, is the general manager of Sunny Zhongshan Optics. He is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Zhongshan Optics. Mr. Zhang graduated from Hunan Radio and Television University in 1992. Prior to joining the Group in April 2006, Mr. Zhang acted as the deputy factory manager in Sintai Optical (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ( 信泰光學 ( 深圳 ) 有限公司 ). Mr. Ren Heqi ( 任和齊 ), aged 42, is the general manager of Sunny Infrared Optics. He is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Infrared Optics. Mr. Ren obtained a bachelor’s degree in optoelectronic information engineering from Zhejiang University in 2004. He also obtained a master’s degree in measuring and testing technologies and instruments from Zhejiang University in 2006, and joined Sunny Infrared Optics in June of the same year. Mr. Ren obtained the qualification of senior engineer in infrared optical technology in 2014. In 2023, he was selected into the program for the cultivation of outstanding young and middle-aged talents of Yuyao. Mr. Ma Ke ( 馬科 ), aged 48, is the general manager of Sunny Xinyang Optics. He is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Xinyang Optics. Mr. Ma obtained a bachelor’s degree in mechanical design and automation from University of Electronic Science and Technology of China in 2023. Mr. Ma joined the Group in August 1994, and held positions including the head of the lens department of Sunny Zhejiang Optics, head of the plane product department, head of the production management department and the deputy general manager of Sunny Xinyang Optics. He was honored as the “2009 Yuyao Outstanding Worker (Producer)” and was awarded the “2010 Silver Hammer Award for Yuyao Excellent Workers” and “2021 Xinyang Labor Day Medal”. Mr. Lou Guojun ( 樓國軍 ), aged 59, is the general manager of Sunny Instruments. He is responsible for the daily administration of Sunny Instruments. Mr. Lou obtained a diploma in business enterprise operation management from Zhejiang Radio & TV University in 1999. Mr. Lou obtained a qualification of senior economist issued by the Personnel Bureau of Zhejiang in 2008. Senior economist is a recognised qualification in the PRC and is generally granted to a person who has passed necessary examinations and has acquired substantial management experience. Mr. Lou joined the Group in June 1984. 張志平先生, 55 歲,為舜宇中山光學總經理, 負責舜宇中山光學的日常經營管理事務。張先 生於一九九二年畢業於湖南廣播電視大學。在 二零零六年四月加入本集團前,張先生於信泰 光學(深圳)有限公司任副廠長。 任和齊先生, 42 歲,為舜宇紅外光學總經理, 負責舜宇紅外光學日常經營管理事務。任先生 在二零零四年於浙江大學取得光電信息工程專 業學士學位,並在二零零六年在浙江大學取得 測試計量技術及儀器專業碩士學位,同年六月 加入舜宇紅外光學。任先生於二零一四年獲得 紅外光學技術高級工程師資格,於二零二三年 入選餘姚市優秀中青年人才培養專案。 馬科先生, 48 歲,為舜宇信陽光學總經理, 負責舜宇信陽光學日常經營管理事務。馬先生 在二零二三年於電子科技大學取得機械設計及 其自動化專業學士學位。馬先生於一九九四年 八月加入本集團,曾任舜宇浙江光學鏡片部部 長、舜宇信陽光學平面部部長、生產管理部部 長及副總經理等職務。其曾榮獲「二零零九年 余姚市先進工作(生產)者」稱號及「二零一零年 度余姚市傑出職工銀錘獎」,亦榮獲「二零二一 年度信陽市五一勞動獎章」等榮譽。 樓國軍先生, 59 歲,為舜宇儀器總經理,負 責舜宇儀器的日常經營管理事務。樓先生在 一九九九年於浙江廣播電視大學取得商業企業 經營管理文憑。樓先生於二零零八年獲浙江省 人事廳頒授高級經濟師資格。高級經濟師為中 國的認可職稱,一般授予通過必需考核及具備 豐富管理經驗的人士。樓先生於一九八四年六 月加入本集團。