Annual Report 2023

Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 56 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 向管理層授權 本集團的日常業務管理和行政職能及執行本集 團企業策略的權力均授予執行董事領導下的管 理層。管理層將向董事會匯報,並在代表本公 司作出決定或訂立任何承諾前取得董事會的批 准。本公司定期檢討授權安排,確保有關安排 一直適用於本公司。 根據上市規則要求,董事須對發行人業務有所 了解,並對所有突發事件有所跟進。通過在定 期舉行的董事會會議中作出演示及╱或報告, 管理層及時通知董事會本公司的業務表現,提 供完整、充足及適當的資料予董事,並通過特 別董事會會議及時向董事會報告緊急的重要事 件,目前該等安排均為有效的,且已符合上市 規則的要求。本公司於全年已按月向董事提供 管理報告,涵蓋公司的關鍵業務問題和財務績 效以及對本公司的表現、情況及前景的公正及 易於理解的評估。全體董事均可個別及獨立接 觸管理層。 主席及行政總裁 董事會主席(「 主席 」)葉遼寧先生負責本集團的 政策制訂及決策。本公司的行政總裁孫泱先生 負責本集團的全面日常營運及管理。主席與行 政總裁的角色分離符合企業管治守則第二部分 的守則條文第 C.2.1 條的規定。 為促進良好企業管治常規,本公司已制定書面 形式的主席及行政總裁職責分工機制。主席根 據企業管治守則的守則條文履行職責。 Delegation to Management Day-to-day operational management and administration functions of the Group and implementation of the corporate strategies of the Group are delegated to the Management led by the executive Directors. The Management will report back to the Board and obtain Board’s approval before making decisions or entering into any commitments on behalf of the Company. The Company reviews the delegation arrangements periodically to ensure the arrangements remain appropriate to the Company. Regarding the requirements of the Listing Rules for Directors to obtain a general understanding of an issuer’s business and to follow up on anything that comes to their attention, it is considered that the current arrangements for keeping the Board informed timely of the Company’s business performance through regular presentations and/ or reports by the Management at Board meetings, providing Directors with complete, sufficient and adequate information, and providing the Board with timely reports on urgent key events at special Board meetings are effective, and have satisfied the requirements under the Listing Rules. A management report covering key business issues and the financial performance of the Company as well as a balanced and understandable assessment of the Company’s performance, position and prospects has been made available to Directors on a monthly basis throughout the year. All Directors have the access to the Management individually and independently. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Ye Liaoning, being the chairman of the Board (the “ Chairman ”), is responsible for formulating the Group’s policies and making decisions. Mr. Sun Yang, being the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, is responsible for the overall daily operation and management of the Group. This segregation of the roles of the Chairman and the Chief Executive Officer aligns with the requirement under the code provision C.2.1 set out in part 2 of the Corporate Governance Code. To facilitate good corporate governance, the Company has established the division of responsibilities between the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer set out in writing. The responsibilities of the Chairman are performed in accordance with the code provisions under the Corporate Governance Code.