Annual Report 2023
Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 58 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 在董事會定期會議舉行前,本公司會諮詢各董 事須列入議程的事項。董事會定期會議的日期 均於召開前最少 14 日前落實,給予全體董事充 裕之通知以確保其有機會出席,而所有其他董 事會會議則會作出合理通知。所有董事會會議 及委員會會議的會議記錄應對會議上所考慮事 項及達致的決定作足夠詳細的記錄,且會議記 錄由本公司的公司秘書(「 公司秘書 」)備存,而 會議記錄初稿及終稿於會議後合理時間內寄發 予全體董事,分別供其提供意見及作記錄之用。 倘主要股東或董事在董事會將予考慮之事項中 存有董事會認為屬重大之利益衝突,則有關事 項會通過實質董事會會議而非書面決議案方式 處理。獨立非執行董事及彼等的緊密聯繫人概 無於將在董事會會議上提呈的交易中擁有重大 權益。 為促進良好企業管治常規,董事會定期會議的 議程及相關會議文件會全部及時送交全體董 事,並至少在計劃舉行董事會或其轄下委員會 會議日期的三天前(或協定的其他時間內)送 出。董事會其他所有會議在切實可行的情況下 亦已採納以上安排。全體董事可向管理層充分 並及時地查閱任何足以讓其在董事會會議上作 出知情決定的資料。 各董事獲授權,按合理要求,可在適當的情況 下委聘外部顧問或專家提供獨立專業意見以履 行董事職責,費用由本公司承擔。除本年報所 披露者外,董事於報告期間並未尋求獨立專業 意見。 截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止年度,為了 更好地推進董事之間的交流工作,全體董事亦 通過電子通訊方法積極參與本集團若干業務的 發展,該安排可確保迅速、適時地向董事提供 相關資料。 Directors are consulted for matters to be included in the agenda for regular Board meetings. Dates of regular Board meetings are scheduled at least 14 days in advance to provide sufficient notices to all Directors, ensuring that they are given an opportunity to attend. For all other Board meetings, reasonable notices will be given. Minutes of all Board meetings and meetings of committees should record in sufficient detail the matters considered and decisions reached, which would be kept by the company secretary of the Company (the “ Company Secretary ”). Drafts and final versions of minutes are sent to all Directors for their comments and record respectively, in both cases within a reasonable time after the meetings. If a substantial Shareholder or a Director has a conflict of interest in a matter to be considered by the Board which the Board has determined to be material, the matter will be dealt with by a physical Board meeting rather than a written resolution. Independent non-executive Directors who, and whose close associates, have no material interest in the transaction will be present at that Board meeting. To facilitate good corporate practice, for regular board meetings, and as far as practicable in all other cases, an agenda and accompanying board papers have been sent, in full, to all Directors. These would be sent in a timely manner and at least three days before the intended date of a Board meeting or a Board committee meeting (or other agreed period). The aforesaid arrangements have also been applied to all other meetings of the Board where practicable. All Directors have full and timely access to the Management for any information to enable them to make informed decisions at the Board meetings. Each Director is authorised to, upon reasonable request, hire external consultants or experts for independent professional advice in appropriate circumstances at the Company’s expenses to discharge the Directors’ responsibilities. Save as disclosed in this annual report, the Directors did not request for separate independent professional advice during the reporting period. For the year ended 31 December 2023, to promote better communication among the Directors, all Directors actively engaged in the development of certain businesses of the Group through electronic communication, which shall ensure fast and timely provision of information to the Directors.