Annual Report 2023
Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 69 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 企業管治職能 董事會於二零一一年十二月二十二日採納企業 管治職能職權範圍,以及遵守企業管治守則第 二部分的守則條文第 A.2.1 條。根據企業管治職 能職權範圍,董事會(包括獨立非執行董事)每 年負責制定、審閱及╱或監察本公司企業管治 的政策及常規,以與上市規則修訂保持一致; 對董事及高級管理層進行培訓及持續專業發 展;以及檢討及監察本公司在遵守法律及監管 規定方面的政策及常規等。董事會已履行上述 企業管治職能,且就履行企業管治職能已審閱 此企業管治報告。 多元化 董事會成員多元化 董事會已採納董事會成員多元化政策,詳情如 下。 背景與願景 本公司尤為重視以人為本及多元化。本公司明 白並深信董事會成員多元化對提升董事會履職 質量裨益良多。 政策聲明 本公司相信董事會成員多元化能提高決策能 力,而且一個多元化的董事會能更有效地處理 組織的變化,並可較少受到群體思維的影響。 為達致可持續及均衡的發展,本公司視提升董 事會層面的多元化為支持其達到戰略目標及其 可持續發展的關鍵因素。 在設定董事會成員組合時,會從不同層面考慮 董事會成員多元化,包括但不限於性別、年 齡、文化及教育背景、種族、專業經驗、營商 視野、技能、知識及服務任期,以及董事會不 時認為相關及適用的任何其他因素,並著重於 確保董事會成員的技能及經驗組合均衡分佈, 以提供不同觀點、見解和提問,讓董事會可以 有效地履行其職務及職責、就本集團的核心業 務及策略制定良策,以及配合董事會的繼任計 劃及發展。 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE FUNCTION The Board adopted the terms of reference for the corporate governance functions on 22 December 2011, and complied with the code provision A.2.1 set out in part 2 of the Corporate Governance Code. Pursuant to the terms of reference of the corporate governance functions, the Board (including independent non-executive Directors) shall be responsible for developing, reviewing and/or monitoring the policies and practices on corporate governance of the Company annually in order to keep up with the amendments to the Listing Rules; carrying out training and continuous professional development of Directors and senior Management; and reviewing and monitoring compliance with policies and practices in legal and regulatory requirements of the Company. The Board has performed the above-mentioned corporate governance functions and this corporate governance report has been reviewed by the Board in discharge of its corporate governance functions. DIVERSITY Board Diversity The Board has adopted the Board Diversity Policy, the details are set out below. Background and Vision The Company attaches great importance to the people-oriented and diversity in particular. The Company recognises and embraces the benefits of having a diverse Board to enhance the quality of the Board’s performance of functions. Policy Statement The Company believes that board diversity can enhance the decision-making capability and a diverse board is more effective in dealing with organisational changes and would be less likely to suffer from group thinking. With a view to achieving a sustainable and balanced development, the Company sees increasing diversity at the Board level as an essential element in supporting the attainment of its strategic objectives and its sustainable development. In designing the Board’s composition, Board diversity has been considered from a wide range of aspects, including but not limited to gender, age, cultural and educational background, ethnicity, professional experience, business perspectives, skills, knowledge and service term, and any other factors that the Board may consider relevant and applicable from time to time. High emphasis is placed on ensuring a balanced composition of skills and experience for the Board members in order to provide a range of perspectives, insights and challenges that enable the Board to discharge its duties and responsibilities effectively, support good decision making in view of the core business and strategy of the Group, and support succession planning and development of the Board.