Annual Report 2023

Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 71 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 可計量目標 基於企業管治守則,本公司大力支持董事會層 面的性別多元化。為實現性別多元化及達到內 部訂立的目標數字和時間表,本公司已於二零 二三年一月一日委任賈麗娜女士為獨立非執行 董事及審核委員會、薪酬委員會及提名委員會 成員,並於二零二四年一月一日委任賈麗娜女 士為審核委員會主席。本集團會緊密關注女性 董事分佈的行業平均水平狀況,並結合公司實 際情況制定性別多元化的可行計劃。 董事會將應持份者的期望及參考國際和本地的 建議最佳常規確保董事會達致成員多元化的適 當平衡。董事會亦力求董事組合中有適當比例 的成員具備本集團核心市場的直接經驗、不同 種族背景,以體現本集團的策略。 持續監督 董事會每年根據上市規則持續檢討及評估本集 團的多元化狀況,包括董事會、高級管理層 及僱員的性別平衡,以及實現多元化目標的 進度。為建立一個可以達到性別多元化的潛在 董事繼任人渠道,本公司已授權提名委員會不 時尋找合適的潛在候選人。提名委員會將討論 可能須對董事會成員多元化政策作出的任何修 訂,並向董事會建議任何有關修訂供其考慮及 批准。 Measurable Objectives In view of the Corporate Governance Code, gender diversity at the Board level is strongly encouraged. To achieve gender diversity and fulfill the internal numerical targets and timelines, the Company has appointed Ms. Jia Lina as an independent non-executive Director and a member of Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee, Nomination Committee on 1 January 2023, and has appointed Ms. Jia Lina as the chairman of the Audit Committee on 1 January 2024. The Group is closely monitoring the average distribution of female directors in the industry while developing practicable plans for gender diversification taking into account the actual situation of the Company. The Board would ensure that appropriate balance of board diversity is achieved with reference to stakeholders’ expectation and international and local recommended best practices. The Board also aspires to having an appropriate proportion of Directors who have direct experience in the Group’s core markets, with different ethnic backgrounds, and reflecting the Group’s strategy. Continuous Monitoring The Board continues to review and assess on the Group’s diversity profile including gender balance of the Directors, senior Management and employees, and its progress in achieving its diversity objectives in accordance with the Listing Rules on annual basis. The Company has authorised the Nomination Committee to search for suitable potential candidates of a Director from time to time in order to develop a pipeline of potential successors to the Board to achieve gender diversity. The Nomination Committee will discuss any revisions on the Board Diversity Policy that may be required, and recommend any such revisions to the Board for its consideration and approval.