Annual Report 2023
Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 75 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 管理層已向董事會提供解釋及資料,使董事會 在審批時可對財務及其他資料作出知情評核。 本公司核數師有關財務報表的責任陳述載於本 年報獨立核數師報告。 董事會呈列公正、清晰及易明的評估之責任適 用於年報及中期報告、其他股價敏感資料之公 告及其他根據上市規則的規定須作出的財務披 露、向監管機構提交的報告以及根據法定要求 須予披露的資料。 內部監控 董事會知悉其有責任持續監察本集團的內部監 控系統並每年檢討其有效性。董事會、本集團 內部審計部和管理層則檢討本公司以及其附屬 公司內部監控系統(特別是財務、營運及合規 監控)的有效性。審核委員會審議本集團內部 審計部和管理層對本公司內部監控系統有效 性的調查結果和意見,並向董事會匯報審議結 果。董事會認為截至二零二三年十二月三十一 日止年度的內部監控系統足夠且有效,並無出 現可能影響股東的重要事項。 本集團的內部審計部應確保本公司的內部監控 健全有效,可維護股東的投資權益及本集團的 資產安全。內部審計部的主要職能是審核本公 司各附屬公司的經營效益、審核主要管理人員 的辭任、協助董事會審核本集團內部監控系統 的有效性、審閱業務流程內部監控、審核全面 風險管理落實情況、推動反舞弊建設及審核個 別項目(如關連交易合規性及發出商品審核報 告)。董事會每年進行本集團內部監控評估,其 中包括財務、營運合規監控與風險管理職能。 Management has provided such explanation and information to the Board as it would enable the Board to make an informed assessment of the financial and other information during the Board’s approval. The statement by the auditor of the Company about its responsibilities for the financial statements is set out in the Independent Auditor’s Report contained in this annual report. The Board’s responsibility is to present a balanced, clear and understandable assessment extended to annual and interim reports, other price-sensitive announcements and other financial disclosures required under the Listing Rules, and reports to regulators as well as information required to be disclosed pursuant to statutory requirements. INTERNAL CONTROL The Board acknowledge that the Board is responsible for monitoring the Group’s internal control system on an on-going basis and reviewing its effectiveness annually. The Board, the Group’s internal audit department and the Management review the effectiveness of the internal control system particularly financial, operational and compliance controls of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Audit Committee reviews the findings and opinions of the Group’s internal audit department and the Management on the effectiveness of the Company’s internal control system, and reports to the Board on such reviews. For the year ended 31 December 2023, the Board considered the internal control system is adequate and effective. No significant areas of concern which might affect the Shareholders were identified. The internal audit department of the Group should ensure that the Company maintains sound and effective internal controls to safeguard the Shareholders’ investment interests and the Group’s assets safety. The main functions of the internal audit department are to audit the operating efficiencies of each subsidiary of the Company, to audit upon resignation of key management personnel, to assist the Board in reviewing the effectiveness of the internal control system of the Group, to review internal control of business processes, to audit the implementation of overall risk management, to promote the construction of anti-malpractice and to audit individual projects (such as compliance of connected transactions and audit report of goods in transit). Evaluation of the Group’s internal controls covering financial, operational compliance controls and risk management functions will be conducted annually by the Board.