Annual Report 2023
Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 78 Sunny Optical Technology (Group) Company Limited • ANNUAL REPORT 2023 8. 風險管理專項檢查-結合年度重點風險, 對本集團及各事業部進行風險管理落實情 況的深入檢查及評估,推動各項風險管理 措施的落地效果與效率; 9. 風險管理納入本公司績效考核,推動各附 屬公司標桿管理經驗共享,充分發揮風險 管理工作小組職能;及 10. 風險管理數字化建設-適時展示本公司風 險管理儀表盤,系統展示風險預警數據、 固定風險管理流程及沉澱管理經驗。 二零二三年風險管理工作小組工作概 要 於年內,本集團風險管理工作小組就年度風險 評估及內部監控檢討向審核委員會進行了報 告。二零二三年其工作包括: 風險管理自評 • 組織各事業分部及部門進行風險管理培訓 及自評輔導; • 組織各事業分部和部門進行風險識別及評 估,動態識別各事業分部和部門面臨的潛 在風險,針對重點風險制定具體應對計劃 及各項風險需達成的管控目標,形成風險 管理自我評估報告;及 • 出具本集團風險管理自評報告,提交審核 委員會審閱。 8. Special inspection for risk management – to conduct an in- depth inspection and evaluation of the implementation of risk management in the Group and various business units based on major risks of the year, and to promote the effectiveness and efficiency of the implementation of various risk management measures; 9. Risk management is included in the performance evaluation of the Company, and it is launched for each subsidiary to share the benchmarking management experience, thus to give full play to the function of the Risk Management Group; and 10. Risk management digitalization construction – timely present risk management dashboard of the Company, systematically present risk pre-warning data, standardise risk management process and accumulate risk experience. Summary of Work Conducted by Risk Management Group in 2023 During the year, the Risk Management Group of the Group reported to the Audit Committee on the annual risk assessment and internal control reviews. Its work in 2023 included: Self-assessment on risk management • Organized risk management training and self-assessment coaching for each business segment and department; • Organized risk identification and assessment in each business segment and department to dynamically identify the potential risks that are faced by each business segment and department to formulate specific contingency plan for key risks and controlling targets for each risk that need to be achieved and generate risk management self-assessment report; and • Issued the risk management self-assessment report of the Group and submitted to the Audit Committee for review.