Annual Report 2023
Chairman’s Statement 主席報告 07 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 業務的穩健成長,且車載激光雷達及抬頭顯 示(「 HUD 」)市場得到進一步拓展,相關收入 實現大幅增長。然而,全球智能手機市場需求 持續疲軟、行業競爭激烈以及智能手機攝像頭 持續呈現降規降配趨勢,導致本集團手機鏡頭 和手機攝像模組的平均售價及毛利率面臨較大 壓力,進而影響了本集團的業績表現。截至二 零二三年十二月三十一日止年度,本集團的收 入約人民幣 31,681,300,000 元,較去年減少 約 4.6% ;本公司股東應佔年內溢利約人民幣 1,099,400,000 元,較去年減少約 54.3% 。但可 喜的是,截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止年 度,本集團的現金流狀況依然保持穩健狀態, 這為本集團未來的增長和戰略目標的實現提供 了堅實的基礎,保障了企業的可持續發展。 本集團深信良好的環境、社會及管治(「 ESG 」) 管理不僅可以有效降低運營風險,也可以完善 內部治理、吸引人才及開拓市場,進而提升企 業的綜合競爭實力。因此,本集團於回顧年 內持續提升了 ESG 管理水平。在管治方面, 本集團新委任了一名女性獨立非執行董事, 使本公司董事會構成更為多元化及更具獨立 性;在環境方面,本集團持續加強污染源的管 理,優化設備,改善能源結構,並不斷改進生 產工藝,提高資源和能源利用率。為強化環境 目標的達成,本集團成功發行 400,000,000 美 元 3.5 年期可持續發展掛鈎債券,並將溫室氣 體(「 溫室氣體 」)減值目標作為可持續發展掛 鈎債券的績效目標,即二零二五財年範圍一和 範圍二的溫室氣體排放強度較二零二一財年基 線降低 20.0% ;在社會方面,本集團持續為僱 員提供培訓及發展機會,確保平等、健康及安 全的工作環境。除了不斷強化內部的 ESG 管 理外,本集團亦積極應對來自外部第三方專業 評級機構的查詢,且已獲得此類機構的認可。 於本報告日期,國際權威指數機構摩根士丹利 promote the steady growth of the Group’s vehicle camera business; the market of vehicle LiDAR and head-up display (“ HUD ”) was further expanded; and the Group achieved significant increase in revenue from such businesses. However, the continued weak global demand of smartphone market, the intense industrial competition and the prolonged trend of de-specification of smartphone camera resulted in the increasing pressure on average selling prices and gross profit margins of handset lens sets and handset camera modules of the Group, thus affecting the performance of the Group. For the year ended 31 December 2023, the Group’s revenue was approximately RMB31,681.3 million, representing a decrease of approximately 4.6% as compared to that of last year. The profit for the year attributable to owners of the Company was approximately RMB1,099.4 million, representing a decrease of approximately 54.3% as compared to that of last year. But it is exciting that the Group maintained a sound cashflow position for the year ended 31 December 2023, which laid a solid foundation for the Group’s future growth and the realization of strategic targets, and ensured its sustainable development. The Group deeply believes that a sound management of the environmental, social and governance (“ ESG ”) can not only effectively reduce operational risk, but also improve internal governance, attract talents and expand the market, thus enhancing its comprehensive competitiveness. As a result, the Group continuously improved the ESG management during the year under review. In the governance aspect, the Group appointed a new female independent non- executive director, enhancing the diversity and independence of the board of directors of the Company. In the environmental aspect, the Group continued to strengthen the management of pollution sources, optimized equipment, refined the energy structure and constantly improved production process to enhance the utilization rate of resources and energy. To facilitate the achievement of environmental targets, the Group successfully issued the 3.5-year sustainability-linked bonds with an amount of USD400,000,000 and set the greenhouse gas (“ GHG ”) emissions reduction target as the performance target of its sustainability-linked bonds, namely a reduction of Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions intensity by 20.0% by the fiscal year of 2025 as compared to the baseline for the fiscal year of 2021. In the social aspect, the Group continuously provides trainings and development opportunities for employees, and guarantees an equal, healthy and safe working environment. In addition to increasingly enhancing the internal ESG management, the Group also actively responds to inquiries from external third-party professional