Annual Report 2023
Corporate Governance Report 企業管治報告 97 舜宇光學科技(集團)有限公司 • 2023 年報 Group’s principal risks Key controls and treatment plan(s) Target risk trend 本集團主要風險 主要控制及處理方案 目標風險趨向 Legal Risk Risks of Laws and Regulations: 法律風險 法律法規風險: – The uncertainty of international trading environment, or non-compliance with applicable laws, local regulations and compliance responsibilities where the Groups has legal entities, such as trade control, anti-monopoly, anti-unfair competition, labour usage, intellectual property rights, omittance or untimely identification domestic and international laws and regulations, policies and other requirements and insufficient implementation of the relevant policies, may cause the Group to suffer from severe penalties or even subject to legal proceedings, causing adverse impact on the public image of the Group. - 國際貿易環境的不確定性,或不遵守適用法律、實體 所在地的地方規例和合規責任,如貿易管制、反壟 斷、反不正當競爭、勞務用工、知識產權等,或對國 內外法律法規、政策及其他要求識別遺漏、不及時、 相關政策落實不到位,都可能造成本集團面臨嚴厲懲 罰,甚至面臨法律訴訟,對本集團公眾形象構成不利 影響。 – Expanding internal audit team and legal team, and also hiring external excellent lawyers, law firms and compliance advisors for consultation in order to seek legal advice and review the conditions for compliance; - 擴充內部審核團隊及法律團隊,同時委聘外部優秀律師、律師事 務所及合規顧問,以諮詢相關事宜,尋求有關法律意見及檢討合 規情況; – Continuously optimizing the trade control and compliance system, and establishing an online compliance procedures; - 持續優化貿易管制合規體系,搭建線上合規流程; – Strengthening the management of all types of business information of the Company, relying on informatization for screening all types of messages; - 加大本公司各類商業信息管理,依託信息化對各類信息進行篩 查; – Continuously optimizing the intellectual property management system, and enhancing the technical patent layout of XR and vehicle products; - 持續優化知識產權管理體系,加強 XR 和車載產品技術專利佈 局; – Improving the whistleblowing platform and strengthening the compliance publication; and - 完善舉報平台並加強合規宣貫;及 – Proactively monitoring and preparing for global and local changes in regulations that may affect the Group, so as to improve the mechanism of rapid response and emergency handling. - 積極監察和準備應對可能影響本集團的全球及本地監管規例變 動,以完善快速反應和應急處置機制。 For the year ended 31 December 2023, the Group has carried out a review of, and the Board has received a confirmation from the Management on the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control system of the Group. No significant matters of concern were identified by the Board. The Group has not identified any emerging risks that had significant impacts on the operations in 2023. 截至二零二三年十二月三十一日止年度,本集 團已審閱且董事會已取得管理層對本集團的風 險管理及內部監控系統有效性的確認,且董事 會並無發現任何需要關注的重要事項。本集團 於二零二三年並未發現任何對營運有重大影響 的新興風險。