Annual Report 2021

133 2021 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited Staff Retirement Schemes The KMB Monthly Rated Employees Provident Fund Scheme (the “Monthly Scheme”) and the KMB Daily Rated Employees Retirement Fund Scheme (the “Daily Scheme”) are two non-contributory defined benefit retirement schemes operated by the Group. The Group also participates in a defined contribution retirement scheme, the SHKP MPF Employer Sponsored Scheme, which was established and registered under the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 485 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “MPF Ordinance”) in 2000. i) The Monthly Scheme Formally established under trust and registered under the Occupational Retirement Schemes Ordinance (Cap. 426 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the “ORSO”), the Monthly Scheme is administered by an independent trustee and the assets are held separately from those of the Group. Under the current scheme rules, an eligible member’s benefit is equivalent to the final monthly salary multiplied by the service period and the benefit factor applicable to the member’s completed years of service. Contributions to the Monthly Scheme are made in accordance with the recommendations of an independent actuary firm which values the retirement scheme at regular intervals. The scheme is closed to employees first employed or re-employed by KMB (including any subsidiary(ies) and associated company(ies) which participate in the Monthly Scheme) on or after 1 December 2000. ii) The Daily Scheme Formally established under trust and registered under the ORSO, the Daily Scheme is administered by an independent trustee and the assets are held separately from those of the Group. Under the current scheme rules, an eligible member’s benefit is equivalent to the final daily basic emoluments multiplied by the number of completed years of service as a daily rated employee and further multiplied by a benefit factor applicable to the member’s completed years of service. Contributions to the Daily Scheme are made in accordance with the actuary’s recommendations. The scheme is closed to employees first employed or re-employed by KMB (including any subsidiary(ies) and associated company(ies) which participate in the Daily Scheme) on or after 1 December 2000. iii) SHKP MPF Employer Sponsored Scheme The Group is a participating member of the SHKP MPF Employer Sponsored Scheme (“SHKP Scheme”), which is a defined contribution retirement scheme. Employees who do not participate in the aforesaid defined benefit retirement schemes are covered by the SHKP Scheme, which is administered by an independent trustee. The assets of the SHKP Scheme are held separately from those of the Group in independently administered funds. The Group is required to make contributions to the SHKP Scheme at rates ranging from 5% to 12% of relevant employees’ salaries, depending on their employment terms and length of service with the Group. Employees are required to make contributions to the SHKP Scheme at 5% of their relevant income as defined by the MPF Ordinance, subject to a cap of monthly relevant income of HK$30,000.