Annual Report 2021
234 Transport International Holdings Limited 2021 Annual Report NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise indicated) 36 Company-level statement of financial position 2021 2020 Note $’000 $’000 Non-current assets Investments in subsidiaries 1,199,043 1,194,934 Property, plant and equipment 31 – Deferred tax assets 535 535 1,199,609 1,195,469 Current assets Deposits and prepayments 1,722 1,718 Amounts due from subsidiaries 10,593,037 9,607,206 Bank deposits and cash 3,901 3,707 10,598,660 9,612,631 Current liabilities Accounts payable and accruals 13,765 13,569 Amounts due to subsidiaries 7,799,170 6,928,869 7,812,935 6,942,438 Net current assets 2,785,725 2,670,193 NET ASSETS 3,985,334 3,865,662 CAPITAL AND RESERVES 30(a) Share capital 465,469 457,821 Reserves 3,519,865 3,407,841 TOTAL EQUITY 3,985,334 3,865,662 Approved and authorised for issue by the Board of Directors on 17 March 2022 Norman LEUNG Nai Pang Chairman Roger LEE Chak Cheong Managing Director