Annual Report 2021

21 2021 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited COVID-19 Impact It has been a challenging year for the whole community in recovery from the strike of COVID-19 since 2020. With a plunge in demand, measures were carried out to ensure that resources were efficiently utilised in the first half of 2021. Since mid-June 2021, the bus service levels have gradually resumed normal to meet the actual demand. Fare Adjustment New KMB bus fares came into effect on 4 April 2021 with an average increase of 5.8% in the case of around 350 solely-operated routes and 8.5% in the case of 51 jointly-operated routes, while the price of KMB Monthly Pass remained unchanged, so as to provide a comfortable, convenient and value-for-money bus service for passengers. Preferred Choice of the Public KMB is dedicated to providing bus services with the best travel experience for the public through a value-for-money service, a comprehensive bus service network, and innovative and eco-technologies. Value-for-Money Services KMB Monthly Pass KMB continues to enhance its service by providing affordable and convenient journeys to passengers. KMB has launched the Monthly Pass Scheme (the “Pass”), the first monthly pass for franchised bus in Hong Kong, under which passengers can take up to ten rides per day on KMB buses for HK$780 (and two additional trips on Route B1). The Pass covers over 400 KMB routes, including regular routes, overnight routes and racecourse routes. Cross-harbour bus routes operated by KMB jointly with other franchised bus companies are also included in the Scheme. The price of KMB Monthly Pass remained unchanged despite fare adjustment in April 2021, which has made the KMB Monthly Pass even more attractive to passengers. KMB has rolled out exclusive privileges for Pass holders under various programmes: A seamless protection for passengers on KMB journeys with a valid Monthly Pass, offered under the Bus Passenger MicroInsurance “BUS RYDE” in collaboration with microinsurance company YAS; A “Fare for Upgraded Journey” campaign which offers a discounted fare for KMB Monthly Pass holders travelling on Long-haul Bus Routes and Long Win Bus (“LWB”) Airport “A” Routes; With each purchase of the Pass, passengers can earn 780 points towards redeemable KMB masks and other special gifts under the KMB membership scheme, club1933; and A hotline with operators dedicated to serve the Pass holders for an enhanced travel experience. Come rain or shine, KMB has always strived for a safe, innovative, eco- friendly and value-for- money service, making it the preferred choice of the public.