Annual Report 2021

52 Transport International Holdings Limited 2021 Annual Report SUSTAINABILITY REPORT KMB is dedicated to promoting road and passenger safety. We modified a single-deck bus into a “Safety Bus” with the theme of “Stop, Look, Listen and Give Way” to reach out to the community. Combining learning with playing through motion-sensing games and virtual reality activities inside the compartment, the Safety Bus allows participating students to learn public transport etiquette, such as fastening the seat belt, and holding the handrail, and learn about blind spots on buses. In order to raise awareness of the participants, staff members from the Safety Department are also there to play quiz games and lecture on road and passenger safety. Safety Bus Sets Off to Promote Passenger Safety The Safety Bus will visit different schools and elderly homes in the future. KMB has liaised with schools and non-profit organisations to launch a territory-wide promotion and education campaign on safety. I’m delighted that the KMB Safety Bus comes to our school. We can learn about road safety through mini-games there. The demonstration of fastening a seat belt has impressed me the most, and I have realised the importance of buckling up. I will share this with my parents and pay more attention to road conditions from now on. I will also be careful when crossing the road at a bus terminus. I like travelling by buses, so it is exceptional to have this exhibition on the bus. Yip Cheuk-chi, student at Islamic Dharwood Pau Memorial Primary School CASE STUDY