Annual Report 2021
61 2021 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited Our Environmental Targets Tyres and Metals Used KMB and LWB tyres were retreaded by KMB’s appointed contractors. The waste metals were sent to recycling companies. Fluorescent Tubes KMB and LWB sent used fluorescent tubes to the Government’s Chemical Waste Treatment Centre for recycling. Oil and Chemicals Solid chemical waste is processed and stored by type in designated areas at bus depots before being disposed of by a registered chemical waste collector at the Government’s Chemical Waste Treatment Centre, while waste oil is recycled or disposed of in accordance with the statutory standards. Batteries are disposed of by a licensed contractor complying with the instructions of the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”), with some of them exported to overseas facilities approved by the EPD under the Basel Convention. KMB and LWB have adopted measures to reduce solid wastes generated from daily operations, including retreading used tyres and sending metals to recycling companies Target by FY 2023 (Baseline: FY 2019) Solid Chemical Waste kg per million km Progress by FY2021: -3.79% (On Track) -8 % Metal kg per million km Progress by FY2021: -1.28% (On Track) -4 %