Annual Report 2021

70 Transport International Holdings Limited 2021 Annual Report SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Staff Benefits and Wellbeing To attract and retain talented staff, competitive benefits packages are offered, including annual leave, medical benefits, hospitalisation insurance, accident insurance and free bus travel for staff and dependents. In the reporting period, KMB and LWB strengthened the benefits package for full-time employees by: Increasing the annual leave entitlement of frontline and clerical staff; Upgrading the staff medical benefits by reallocating the staff clinics to more convenient locations; and Enhancing the staff dental benefits by providing more choices of service vendors and convenient locations at corporate discount rates. We are committed to fostering a caring culture which covers both our staff members and their families. Since 2015, we have been providing a scholarship programme for the children of staff with satisfactory academic performance to support their tertiary education. As at 31 December 2021, more than 370 children of KMB and LWB staff members had received scholarships. We further launched an 8-week summer internship programme for our staff’s children this year, allowing students to understand their strengths and potentials and have a better future career plan. Festive joys were brought to our staff at different festivals as well. At the Lunar New Year, we distributed Chinese New Year gifts to our staff, while at Christmas, we organised a Christmas Lucky Draw live broadcast to celebrate the festive season. Senior corporate executives and managerial staff joined the gatherings and shared the festive joy with colleagues. During the year, several initiatives were implemented with overwhelming feedback. Online concerts also attracted those who were fond of talent shows. In 2021, KMB and LWB launched a series of health-related activities, including health talks, free health books distribution, healthy meal menu available in staff canteens, a sports competition including jump rope and hula hoop, to promote a healthy lifestyle. To safeguard the health of our employees and passengers, we arranged the Government’s outreach vaccination service and group booking service for our staff and their family members. KMB and LWB continue to renovate and upgrade the working environment, especially for frontline staff, to provide better rest facilities for staff to take rest breaks. Our staff leisure areas, Club 1933, at Kowloon Bay Depot and Lai Chi Kok Depot, where a pool table, air hockey table and table football, are available. To promote work-life balance, KMB and LWB staff members are encouraged to participate in sports and leisure activities as well as voluntary work. As at the end of 2021, ten interest clubs were available for staff interested in singing, hiking, photography, basketball, table tennis, badminton, soccer, running, chess and dragon boat racing. Various activities, training, and competitions were organised to promote a healthy work-life balance and boost team spirit. In the most uncertain of times like during the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting employees’ mental health is as important as other initiatives. KMB and LWB have engaged the Christian Family Service Centre to provide a counselling hotline service for staff members, including bus captains who need psychological assistance. The hotline offers service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and covers family members. The scholarship programme set up by KMB and LWB has benefitted more than 370 children of our staff members