Annual Report 2021
72 Transport International Holdings Limited 2021 Annual Report SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Recognition for Service Excellence In 2021, 264 Star Bus Captains were recognised for their outstanding performance in safe driving and customer care. Long service awards were presented to staff in recognition of their loyal service. A total of 36 employees received the 35-year award and a gold medal, 71 and 326 employees received the 30-year and 20-year awards, respectively, with a plaque and a pin, and 269 employees with ten years’ service received a certificate of appreciation. Besides, a total of 105 Bus Captains were granted the Annual GreenRoad Outstanding Awards, which was newly introduced in 2021. The top ten Gold Awardees were presented a HK$10,000 cash prize and a certificate of appreciation. Including the Retirement Awards, over 1,500 employees were awarded in appreciation of their loyal and outstanding service. Staff Communication To strengthen bilateral communication and employee wellbeing, the Joint Consultative Committees, comprising the management and staff representatives representing around 90% of total workforce, holds meetings regularly. The meetings are to review issues including safety, operations, work environment and staff welfare. Staff members are kept informed through the staff website of useful information, including KMB and LWB announcements, safe driving tips, snapshots of KMB and LWB activities and notices of forthcoming events. Staff can check duty roster information and make annual leave arrangements through the internal application, OPS1933, and internal portal, as well as using an e-learning training platform. The bi-monthly corporate magazine, KMB Today , provides another means of keeping employees up to date on KMB and LWB news and industry developments. We make use of media and online platforms to share information with our staff to cope with the onset of the COVID-19 and various infection control measures. Several online activities and programmes, including an online staff music concert and the Christmas Lucky Draw, were held on the KMB Staff Facebook page to maintain the connection with staff members. Senior Management Visits KMB and LWB senior management members visited bus termini, depots and offices during the year to support our colleagues and listen to their opinions. These visits provided an excellent opportunity for staff to share their views about operational matters and workplace-related issues with the management teammembers. Training courses are provided for operation inspectors to enhance their knowledge and skills in handling emergency traffic incidents