Annual Report 2022

Transport International Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report 120 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT Board Proceedings Board Meetings A Board meeting is generally held every other month, where Board members meet to discuss major corporate, strategic and operational matters and evaluate investment opportunities. All Board meetings are conducted according to the procedures laid down in the Company’s Bye-laws and the Code Provisions contained in the CG Code. At the beginning of every year, all Board members will be provided with the schedule of regular Board meetings. They will be duly informed of any amendments to the schedule at least 14 days before the relevant meeting. The agenda for regular Board meetings is consolidated by the Company Secretary for approval by the Chairman. All Directors are entitled to put forward items for inclusion in the agenda of Board meetings. A notice of Board meeting is delivered to each Director one month in advance of the scheduled meeting date together with the agenda. Detailed discussion papers for the Board meeting are circulated 7 days prior to the meeting to ensure that the Directors have sufficient time to consider the items for discussion and make decisions in the best interests of the Company. At the Board meetings, Senior Management together with the relevant corporate executives report to the Board on the operational and financial performance of the various business areas of the Group. The Company Secretary prepares draft minutes of Board meetings, which record the matters considered by the Board and the decisions reached as well as any concerns raised or dissenting views expressed by the Directors. The draft minutes are circulated to the Directors for their comments, and the final version of the draft minutes is submitted to the Board at the ensuing meeting for formal adoption. The adopted minutes are kept by the Company Secretary, and are available for inspection by the Directors. Voting on Connected Transactions The Company’s Bye-laws provide that all Directors are required to declare the nature and extent of their interests, if any, in any transaction, arrangement or other proposal to be discussed at a Board meeting and to abstain from voting on relevant resolutions if they have a conflict of interest or a material interest in the proposed transaction. Any such declaration of interest will be recorded by the Company Secretary in the minutes. A Director is not included in the quorum for such part of a meeting that relates to a resolution he/she is not allowed to vote on but he/she shall be included in the quorum for all other parts of that meeting. This reduces the potential for conflict which might otherwise arise between the Company’s business and an individual Director’s other interests or appointments. Independent Non-executive Directors, together with the other Board members, ensure that connected transactions are entered into in the ordinary and usual course of business of the Group, on normal commercial terms or better, and according to the agreement governing them on terms that are fair and reasonable and in the interests of the Group and the shareholders of the Company as a whole. The Company Secretary is responsible for making sure that all connected transactions entered into are in compliance with the Listing Rules. In 2022, the Company entered into several continuing connected transactions, details of which are given from pages 112 to 115 of this Annual Report.