Annual Report 2022
Transport International Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report 136 CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT Shareholders’ Rights Under the Company’s Bye-laws, shareholders holding at least 10% of the paid-up capital of the Company and carrying the right of voting at general meetings of the Company may ask the Board to convene a special general meeting (“SGM”) for the transaction of business specified in the request. The request must be in written form with the purpose of the meeting stated therein and deposited at the head office of the Company at 15/F, 9 Po Lun Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. The request must be signed by the shareholders concerned and may consist of two or more documents in like form, each signed by one or more of those shareholders. The request will be verified with the Company’s share registrar and upon its confirmation that the request is proper and in order, the Company Secretary will arrange to convene an SGM by serving sufficient notice to all registered shareholders in accordance with the Company’s Bye-laws and the statutory requirements. Procedures for Making Proposals at General Meetings Shareholders holding not less than one-twentieth of the total voting rights of all shareholders having the right to vote at a general meeting, or not less than 100 shareholders holding shares in the Company, can submit a written request to move a resolution at a general meeting. The procedures for making proposals at a general meeting are laid down in the Shareholders’ Communication Policy of the Company, which is available on the Company’s website. Procedures for Sending Enquiries to the Board Enquiries from shareholders can be sent to the attention of the Board. All enquiries should be addressed to the Board or the Company Secretary and sent to the Company’s head office at 15/F, 9 Po Lun Street, Lai Chi Kok, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Shareholders may also email their enquiries to the Directors at The Company Secretary will respond to such enquiries within a reasonable time. Constitutional Documents An up-to-date and consolidated version of the Bye-laws of the Company is published on the websites of the Company and the Stock Exchange. In 2022, the Company amended its bye-laws in order to get the bye-laws in line with certain amendments to the Listing Rules and relevant requirements of the applicable laws of Bermuda, and to make other consequential and housekeeping changes in relation thereto. The amendment was approved by the shareholders by way of a special resolution at the Annual General Meeting held on 19 May 2022. Dividends The Company adopts a dividend policy of providing its shareholders with a stable dividend. As an alternative to receiving a cash dividend, the Company offers a scrip dividend programme, which enables its shareholders to elect to receive new fully paid shares. In determining the dividend amount, the Board will take into account a number of factors such as the Group’s financial performance, future capital expenditures and financial position, as well as the general economic and business conditions. The policy will be reviewed from time to time so as to keep in line with the future prospects and capital requirements of the Group and the changes in market conditions.