Annual Report 2022

174 Transport International Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report CONSOLIDATED CASH FLOW STATEMENT For the year ended 31 December 2022 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars) 2022 2021 Note $’000 $’000 Operating activities Cash generated from operations 23(c) 809,145 1,284,302 Interest received 77,302 72,087 Interest paid (31,106) (14,701) Tax paid – Hong Kong Profits Tax (4,743) (21,033) – The People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) withholding tax (978) (805) Net cash generated from operating activities 849,620 1,319,850 Investing activities Increase in restricted bank deposits (31,142) (61,384) (Increase)/decrease in bank deposits with original maturities of over three months (442,796) 810,307 (Increase)/decrease in loan receivables (30,001) 123 Payment for the purchase of other property, plant and equipment (971,010) (1,417,316) Payment for other additions of investment property under development (738,391) (675,775) Payment for the purchase of intangible assets (109,361) (54,765) Payment for the purchase of other financial assets (439,012) (767,308) Receipt of government grant for the purchase of other property, plant and equipment 96,846 97,863 Receipt of government grant for the disposal of other property, plant and equipment 3,409 1,085 Proceeds from the disposal of other property, plant and equipment 6,094 12,487 Proceeds on the maturity of debt securities 599,073 436,346 Dividends received from associates 19,159 16,095 Dividends received from equity investments 32,500 38,539 Finance costs paid and capitalised (36,834) (17,687) Net cash used in investing activities (2,041,466) (1,581,390) Financing activities Proceeds from new bank loans 23(d) 5,355,000 2,895,000 Repayment of bank loans 23(d) (3,520,000) (2,840,000) Loan repaid by a joint venture 7,861 8,000 Capital element of lease rentals paid 23(d) (3,620) (2,365) Interest element of lease rentals paid 23(d) (92) (94) Dividends paid to equity shareholders of the Company (116,909) (109,438) Net cash generated from/(used in) financing activities 1,722,240 (48,897) Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents 530,394 (310,437) Cash and cash equivalents at 1 January 825,787 1,133,093 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes 615 3,131 Cash and cash equivalents at 31 December 23(a) 1,356,796 825,787 Analysis of cash and cash equivalents: Bank deposits and cash in the consolidated statement of financial position 23(a) 1,799,592 825,787 Less: bank deposits with original maturities of over three months 23(a) (442,796) – Cash and cash equivalents in the consolidated cash flow statement 1,356,796 825,787 The notes on pages 175 to 239 form part of these financial statements.