Annual Report 2022

Transport International Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report 18 MANAGING DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE to strengthen hygiene standards on board, including spraying antibacterial coating inside bus compartments, providing staff members with rapid antigen test kits, and continuing to protect them with masks manufactured by our factory. The dedication of our frontline coworkers has allowed the Company to ride over the most difficult time of the pandemic. My respect and gratitude to them defy description. Another challenge we faced, other than the pandemic, is the changing travelling habits of the general public under the expansion of the railway network, which has caused a decrease in the service demand for certain bus routes. We swiftly responded by redeploying resources to locations with growing populations, such as Tseung Kwan O, North District and Tuen Mun, to fill other public transport vacancies and meet the travelling needs of the passengers. We firmly believe that despite the continuous expansion of the railway network, KMB can still play an integral and essential role in public transportation with appropriate redeployment of bus services. My management team and I have consistently remained optimistic and proactive in overcoming the adversity. With a positive mindset, we waited patiently for the right moment to act, as we worked hard to put together a development plan to meet societal needs. In addition to introducing new routes to meet the residents’ demands, we have also set up and renovated some 30 Bus-bus Interchanges (“BBIs”) by making use of the extensive coverage of KMB routes, and to further expand our already sizeable BBI network. These new Marching Forward with Renewed Vigour Three years into COVID-19, the threat to the well-being of mankind caused by the pandemic has yet to wind down. Nevertheless, the world is finally on the road to normalcy. With the joint effort from all walks of life, Hong Kong’s society, economy, and people’s livelihood have regained momentum in development. KMB and the citizens of Hong Kong have weathered the storm and are all set to march forward. Looking back at 2022, the Group was presented with unprecedented challenges. Hong Kong experienced the worst wave of COVID-19 outbreak in the first half of the year, with the number of confirmed cases reaching a new peak. Members of the public avoided travel in the prevention and combat of the pandemic, causing a drastic drop in ridership. In the meantime, a large proportion of frontline colleagues were infected and were forced to stop working. Despite our best efforts, service adjustments could not solve the predicament of a tight manpower supply, therefore placing enormous pressure on our operations. To protect our passengers and employees, we adopted a series of measures I wish that whenever the public sees a KMB bus, they will feel the “Heartbeat of the City” fueling them with motivation and hope.