Annual Report 2022
43 2022 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited Reporting Focus The 2022 Sustainability Report (“the Report”) of TIH highlights the environmental and corporate social responsibility performance and sustainability achievements of The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited (“KMB”) and Long Win Bus Company Limited (“LWB”), TIH’s wholly- owned subsidiaries. These two Hong Kong franchised public bus companies comprise significant business operations of TIH. The Report covers the reporting period from 1 January to 31 December 2022. There were no significant changes with regard to TIH’s size, structure, ownership or supply chain during the reporting period. In the Report, data and statistics are presented as absolute figures and are normalised into comparable terms as far as possible. Unless otherwise stated, data and statistics in the Report cover the performance of KMB and LWB during the entire reporting period. There is no specific limitation on the scope and boundary of the Report in respect of KMB’s and LWB’s operations. Reporting Principles The Report was prepared in accordance with the Updated Global Reporting Initiative Standards 2021 (“GRI Standards”) and the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide (“ESG Guide”) issued by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the “Stock Exchange”). The GRI Content Index correlates GRI disclosures with associated sections in this report. The Group strictly adheres to the reporting principles of materiality, quantitative, balance and consistency which are set out in the ESG Guide. To align our strategies with international sustainability principles, the Report also makes reference to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”) and the recommendations on the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (“TCFD”) established by the Financial Stability Board. In addition, through engagement exercises such as annual passenger liaison group meetings and interviews with representatives of different interest groups, we have identified stakeholder concerns and incorporated them into our sustainability strategies. The latest Annual Report of TIH contains more information about the Group, including corporate governance and the financial performance of KMB and LWB. If you have any comments on the Report, please contact us via . Reporting Principles Description Application Materiality The threshold at which ESG issues determined by the Board are sufficiently important to investors and other stakeholders that they should be reported. To identify the material ESG-related issues, a stakeholder engagement exercise was conducted to collect opinions and feedback from stakeholders. The material ESG issues are incorporated into the Group’s core business strategy. Quantitative KPIs in respect of historical data need to be measurable. The issuer should set targets (which may be actual numerical figures or directional, forward- looking statements) to reduce a particular impact. In this way, the effectiveness of ESG policies and management systems can be evaluated and validated. Quantitative information should be accompanied by a narrative, explaining its purpose, impacts, and giving comparative data where appropriate. The Group discloses its ESG performances in a quantitative manner. Data and statistics are presented as absolute figures and are normalised into comparable terms as far as possible. Balance The ESG report should provide an unbiased picture of the issuer’s performance. The Report should avoid selections, omissions, or presentation formats that may inappropriately influence a decision or judgment by the report reader. The Group prepares this report and discloses its ESG performance and achievements in a transparent, unbiased and fair manner. Consistency The issuer should use consistent methodologies to allow for meaningful comparisons of ESG data over time. The Report was prepared in accordance with the Updated Global Reporting Initiative Standards 2021 and the Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide issued by The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.