Annual Report 2022

46 Transport International Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Legal and Regulatory Compliance TIH is committed to conducting business activities in compliance with the Laws of Hong Kong. All directors and staff of the Group are subject to a written Code of Conduct when discharging their delegated duties. The Code of Conduct is available on the staff website for easy access, providing guidance on personal conduct, relations with suppliers and contractors, responsibilities to shareholders and the community, customer relations, and employment practices, as well as procedures for monitoring compliance and enforcement to promote ethical values in business activities. The Code of Conduct is reviewed and updated periodically to reflect the latest regulatory changes. TIH’s employment practices are also reviewed on a regular basis. We strictly adhere to the Employment Ordinance of Hong Kong and prohibit hiring child labour (a person below the local minimum age for employment or under the age of 16) and any form of forced labour. The Group has a whistleblowing policy to encourage employees and related third parties to raise concerns in confidence about misconduct, malpractice, bribery, money laundering, any forms of forced, coerced or bonded labour and irregularities in any matters related to the Group. Employees and/or related third parties may make a report to the Company Secretary or the Chairman of the Board’s Audit and Risk Management Committee. The Group will take appropriate follow-up actions, including disciplinary actions, in respect of substantiated and partially substantiated cases. In the event of an employee committing any offence of corruption under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance (Chapter 201, Laws of Hong Kong), the Group will make a report to the Hong Kong Independent Commission Against Corruption (“ICAC”). We have not committed any offence of corruption under this Ordinance. Besides, we invited the ICAC to provide training for the Board and employees to enhance their awareness of anti-corruption and integrity management. We had zero concluded legal cases regarding corruption during the reporting year. Stakeholder Engagement and Materiality Assessment Stakeholder engagement exercises and materiality assessments provide a solid basis for developing our sustainability reports. They help identify sustainability topics that are most relevant to both our operations and stakeholders. Our stakeholders include passengers, employees, suppliers, contractors, Legislative Councillors, District Councillors, transport advisory bodies, interest groups and the Government. We have established several engagement programmes to gauge their views on our operations and services. Our dialogue with stakeholders is demonstrated through various channels, including the Chatbot enquiry channel on the KMB and LWB websites and App1933, the KMB Facebook page, the KMB Instagram account, the KMB YouTube channel and corporate publications such as KMB Today , as well as face-to-face meetings and media networking. TIH engaged an external consultant to carry out a series of stakeholder engagement activities to define the scope of the Report and to identify material economic, environmental and social topics concerning the principles and requirements of the GRI Standards, the HKEX ESG Guide, the SDGs and the TCFD. We invited representatives from various stakeholder groups, including passengers, employees, members of the KMB volunteer team, suppliers, non-governmental organisations (e.g. social organisations and green groups) to participate in stakeholder engagement activities involving surveys, focus group meetings and interviews. Based on the survey results and annual materiality assessments over the past few years, we have mapped the materiality of twelve issues. The most critical issues are listed at the top right quadrant of the matrix, while less important issues are found at the bottom left. Issues shown in the top right of the matrix are those identified as emerging in importance. The top ten issues were prioritised as material for TIH to address and report. The eleventh and twelfth issues, community engagement and energy and efficiency measures, which have been reported in the previous years, are also included for consistency. The ESG Task Force further reviewed and validated the material topics to ensure a consistent and balanced representation of the Group’s sustainability performance and impacts. The following material topics have been prioritised for disclosure in TIH’s 2022 Sustainability Report with corresponding boundaries specified: