Annual Report 2022
2022 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited 55 The Academy also offers training courses for in-service bus captains and incumbent maintenance staff, including route training, remedial training, bus type training, refresher training, and the latest technology in the bus maintenance industry to improve their driving/maintenance skills and reinforce their safety awareness. Other than taking care of the training needs of bus maintenance staff and bus captains, the Academy also provides short- term courses and workshops for tertiary institutions covering various topics, aiming to widen students’ understanding of the bus industry, business operations and public institutions. For primary and secondary schools, the Academy offers a variety of on-campus STEM education courses and activities in which students can apply interdisciplinary knowledge and cultivate innovative thinking through “hands-on” and “minds- on” activities. Public Safety Awareness Programme Passenger safety is equally important to our bus operations. We use different channels to raise public awareness of passenger safety. A series of safety messages are broadcast on the Bus Stop Announcement System in Cantonese, English and Putonghua to remind passengers to hold the handrail at all times. We put up safety stickers on our buses, such as “Hold the handrail” and “Fasten the seatbelt”. Our mobile app, App1933, and KMB’s Facebook page also periodically communicate educational messages to the public. Passenger safety videos produced by KMB are shown on bus information panels on board and at bus stops to remind passengers that safety comes first. KMB is dedicated to promoting road and passenger safety. We modified a single-deck bus into a “Safety Bus” with the theme of “Stop, Look, Listen and Give Way” to reach out to the community. Combining learning with playing through motion-sensing games and virtual reality activities inside the compartment, the Safety Bus allows participating students to learn public transport etiquette, such as fastening the seatbelt, holding the handrail, and learning about blind spots of buses. In order to raise awareness of the participants, staff members from the Safety Department are also there to play quiz games and give short talks on road and passenger safety. In 2022, a total of 180 primary students visited the Safety Bus. KMB organises various activities, which include STEM education programmes and Safety Bus visits to schools, to enhance students’ understanding of the bus industry and bus safety