Annual Report 2022
2022 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited 59 Target by FY 2023 (Baseline: FY 2019) Our Environmental Targets Carbon Footprint of Bus tCO 2 e per million km Progress by FY2022: -7.31% (On Track) -10 % Electricity kWh per m 2 Progress by FY2022: -41.67% (On Track) -20 %* Diesel Oil GJ per million km Progress by FY2022: -7.51% (On Track) -10 % Water m 3 per bus Progress by FY2022: -35.21% (On Track) -25 %* The waste water treatment systems and water recycling systems effectively reduce water consumption KMB has introduced different eco-friendly measures, such as electric buses and wind curtains, to help reduce carbon emissions * Due to the impacts of the COVID-19 epidemic in Hong Kong since 2020, the investments in environmental initiatives for electricity and water reduction, and the rescheduling of electric buses’ deployment, the targets of electricity consumption and water consumption have been changed from -10% to -20%, and -5% to -25% respectively.