Annual Report 2022
2022 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited 61 KMB has introduced the third-generation solar panels on double-deckers. The system reduces the air temperature in the compartment by around 8-10˚C compared to a bus without such a system. It supplies power to the fans of the air-conditioning system, thereby reducing fuel consumption. The third-generation solar panel bus can save 5-8% of fuel consumption on each bus daily, which is equivalent to reducing about six tonnes of carbon emissions per bus annually. The system has now become a standard feature in new purchase buses; About 30,000 solar panels will be installed on buses, at depots and bus stops. Up to 13 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) of electricity will be generated annually, equivalent to the annual electricity consumption of 4,176 households in Hong Kong, reducing about 12,587 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions. As two franchised bus companies with the largest solar panel systems in Hong Kong, KMB and LWB aim to lead the public transport industry toward the new green era and promote carbon neutrality; KMB has successfully designed wind curtains that help reduce energy wasted due to the loss of cooled air of buses and obtained patents that were granted by the Intellectual Property Department. The facility, installed at the rear exit of a bus, will be activated when the exit door is opened, creating an airflow to separate the hot air outside from the cooled air inside. According to tests conducted at the ambient temperature of 32°C, the temperature measured in the area near the exit door inside a bus compartment with wind curtains is 4°C lower than that in a bus without. KMB plans to install the facility on 600 buses. We are also further exploring if the system could be powered by the looming thermoelectric system that generates electricity from the waste heat of the engine, improving energy saving; and The scheme to retrofit the fleet with lower-powered LED strips has also started, which will create a softer and more comfortable travel environment to passengers compared to the existing LED lighting. This initiative helps reduce the carbon emissions of our buses by 5,600 tonnes of carbon emissions per year. The existing LED light strips will be reused in bus depots and bus stops for lighting. Decarbonisation Partnership Programme KMB collaborated with business partners by launching the Decarbonisation Partnership Programme to retrofit solar panels on KMB’s current bus fleet. The first phase of the Decarbonisation Partnership Programme received strong support from 48 corporate partners spanning industries, such as transportation, banking, catering, bus manufacturing, parts supply, legal support and others, which helped retrofit solar panels on 89 bus roofs. KMB is dedicated to working with our corporate partners to contribute towards carbon neutrality in Hong Kong. CO 2 Concentration Checks Each year, 80 KMB buses and 15 LWB buses from passenger- intensive bus routes are selected for a data logger measurement of indoor CO 2 concentration. Our buses generally demonstrate compliance with the requirement. Emissions Reduction KMB and LWB adopt the latest technologies to reduce roadside emissions and maintain good air quality in bus compartments. We have in place a number of measures to meet the high standards of exhaust emissions laid down by the European Council of Environmental Ministers, which include using near zero sulphur diesel, renewing bus models and upgrading older buses by retrofitting exhaust treatment devices such as diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters, and selective catalytic reduction units. As part of our environmental protection commitment, KMB and LWB invest regularly to upgrade the environmental performance of their bus fleets and patrol cars. KMB and LWB have introduced electric patrol cars as back-up support and set up electricity-recharging facilities at the main depots. Energy Saving KMB and LWB take all practicable measures to reduce resource consumption and streamline waste disposal procedures. We handle and dispose of all materials in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and in a responsible way without posing risks to human health or to the environment. Fuel To reduce fuel consumption, a number of measures have been adopted throughout the KMB and LWB bus fleets and across all operations: The aircraft-style “Posilock” fuel filling system is used to refuel buses; Ambient sensors are installed on air-conditioned buses to reduce unnecessary cooling; The use of synthetic gearbox oil extends oil drain intervals to reduce waste oil by 80%; and The mileage-based oil change scheme reduces engine oil consumption and waste oil by 40%.