Annual Report 2022

Transport International Holdings Limited 2022 Annual Report 62 SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Electricity We continue to explore environment-friendly initiatives and invest in the latest technologies to minimise energy use and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Besides our one-off LED light replacement and continuous housekeeping measures, we have dynamically adjusted our electricity consumption pattern in accordance with the latest operation scales, including the adjustment of illumination time of parking depots and the optimisation of equipment used to support our facilities’ operation duration. We cooperate with a power company to install Solar Photovoltaic Systems consisting of more than 8,500 solar power panels at depots, bus termini and bus shelters to extend the application of renewable energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Green Measures in the Office The Green Office concept drives both the design and the renovation of our premises. We run our air-conditioning systems at 25.5°C to align with the Government’s Action Blue Sky Campaign and save energy. Operating hours have also been rearranged to reduce energy waste during non-office hours. High-efficiency air conditioning units are installed in all newly renovated offices. We have also set up recycling arrangements for used toners, plastic materials and used papers and have regularly promoted good housekeeping practices for energy saving to all staff members. Waste Reduction KMB and LWB are committed to good waste management through responsible storage and disposal of waste, recycling and reusing resources whenever feasible. Significant types of waste generated in our operations are reported as follows: Waste Water As responsible corporate citizens, KMB and LWB are committed to reducing water consumption and properly treating effluents before discharge. Our depots are equipped with ten automatic waste water treatment systems handling 400 cubic metres per day. The water used for bus washing was collected and recycled, reducing total water consumption at depots by around 4%. Newly set up rainwater collection and water recycling systems have been introduced in some of our satellite depots. We would continue to install more rainwater collection and water recycling systems in some other bus depots in the coming years so as to increase water consumption saving. Tyres and Metals Used KMB and LWB tyres were retreaded by KMB’s appointed contractors, and waste metals were sent to recycling companies. Oil and Chemicals Solid chemical waste is processed and stored by type in designated areas at bus depots before disposal by a registered chemical waste collector at the Government’s Chemical Waste Treatment Centre, while waste oil is recycled or disposed of in accordance with the statutory standards. In the reporting period, KMB and LWB have improved the engine oil replacement cycle by changing new engine oil with extended oil drain intervals to reduce solid chemical waste. Batteries are disposed of by a licensed contractor complying with the instructions of the Environmental Protection Department (“EPD”), with some of them exported to overseas facilities approved by the EPD under the Basel Convention. Target by FY 2023 (Baseline: FY 2019) Our Environmental Targets Solid Chemical Waste kg per million km Progress by FY2022: -7.39% (On Track) -8 % Metal kg per million km Progress by FY2022: -2.36% (On Track) -4 %