Annual Report 2022
CASE STUDY BBI to Reach Further, Faster, and Easier While KMB is devoted to building a comprehensive bus network to connect communities and facilitating rapid development in the city outskirts by increasing bus routes and frequencies, the major obstacle not to be neglected lies in the limited road space in Hong Kong. In light of the limitation, KMB introduced 23 Bus-bus Interchanges (“BBIs”) in 2022 to enhance bus network efficiency and reduce traffic congestion and roadside pollution. BBIs allow passengers from different communities to transfer from short-haul buses to interregional buses to other districts with interchange concessions offered, greatly reducing the overlap of routes on main roads and traffic flow in busy districts. As a result, the bus network can be simplified, with route planning made more direct under the BBI schemes. Passengers are encouraged to utilise our extensive bus network with more valuable and convenient options for a more flexible travel plan. To elevate passengers’ interchange experience, KMB launched a large-scale BBI renovation project by adding clearer signage at bus stops so that passengers can locate the platform for transfer more easily. In addition, KMB’s mobile app, App1933, can serve as a trip planner. Using the Nearby Bus Routes function, passengers can check the estimated arrival time of the interchange routes for easy interchange. Maximising Bus System for a Complete Riding Experience 2022 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited 69 “In the past, we thought point-to-point bus services would be more convenient. However, with the heavy traffic flow in Hong Kong, a single route does not necessarily mean a faster trip, especially during rush hour. Now with the BBI schemes, I am offered more commuting options with different route combinations, so I can make suitable adjustments to reduce travel time and reach more districts with fare discounts.” Ms. Ho, Passenger