Annual Report 2023

98 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Performance Statistics Units FY 2023 FY 2022 Year-On-Year Change Environmental Emissions GHG Emissions of Bus (Scope 1) 1 tCO 2 e 498,289 458,518 8.67% GHG Emissions of Bus (Scope 1) Intensity tCO 2 e per million km 1,599 1,649 -3.03% GHG Emissions of Electricity (Scope 2) 2, 3 tCO 2 e 6,246 6,518 -4.17% GHG Emissions of Electricity (Scope 2) Intensity 1 tCO 2 e per m 2 0.015 0.015 0.00% Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) 4, 5 tonnes 1,779 1,588 12.03% Sulphur Oxides (SOx) 4, 6 tonnes 3.05 2.81 8.54% Particulate Matter (PM) 4, 7 tonnes 128 114 12.28% Waste Hazardous Waste Solid Chemical Waste (recycled) kilograms (kg) 1,294,968 1,285,460 0.74% Solid Chemical Waste Intensity kilograms (kg) per million km 4,156 4,623 -10.10% Tyres (recycled) 8 kilograms (kg) 921,060 974,760 -5.51% Fluorescent Tubes kilograms (kg) 0 0 n.a. Waste Oil (recycled) kilograms (kg) 457,400 456,600 0.18% Battery (recycled) 3 kilograms (kg) 166,658 164,200 1.50% Non-hazardous Waste Metal (recycled) 9 kilograms (kg) 745,206 679,852 9.61% Metal Intensity kilograms (kg) per million km 2,391 2,445 -2.21% Waste directed to disposal (paper waste) 10 tonnes 38.59 33.60 14.85% Use of Resources Diesel Oil Consumption 11 gigajoules (GJ) 7,295,900 6,716,564 8.63% Diesel Oil Consumption Intensity GJ per million km 23,414 24,154 -3.06% Water Consumption 12, 13 m 3 237,517 197,855 20.05% Water Consumption Intensity 12, 13 m 3 per bus 55 46 19.57% Non-renewable Electricity Consumption 12, 14 kWh 16,880,249 17,615,264 -4.17% Non-renewable Electricity Consumption Intensity 12, 14 kWh per m 2 41 42 -2.38% 1 The GHG emissions of bus (scope 1) increased due to the total distance travelled by KMB and LWB bus fleet in 2023 exceeded that of 2022. 2 The emission factors of greenhouse gas emissions for electricity consumption were obtained from the 2022 HKEX published document, “How to prepare an ESG Report, Appendix 2: Reporting Guidance on Environmental KPIs”: 0.37kg CO 2 e/kWh. 3 The GHG emissions of electricity (scope 2) of KMB and LWB decreased due to the adoption of environmentally-friendly initiatives and the installation of solar panels across depots, bus termini and bus shelters. 4 The emission factors were obtained from the 2022 HKEX published document, “How to prepare an ESG Report, Appendix 2: Reporting Guidance on Environmental KPIs”. 5 There was an increase in Nitrogen Oxides due to the increased distance travelled across the KMB and LWB bus fleet during the reporting period. 6 There was an increase in Sulphur Oxides due to the increased fuel usage and increased distance travelled across the KMB and LWB fleet during the reporting period. 7 There was an increase in Particulate Matter due to the increased distance travelled across KMB and LWB bus fleet during the reporting period. 8 The reduction of recycled tyres during the reporting period was due to the use of new tyre model. 9 There was an increase in Metal (recycled) due to the increased distance travelled across KMB and LWB bus fleet during the reporting period. 10 There was an increase in Paper Waste due to the increased distance travelled across KMB and LWB bus fleet during the reporting period. 11 The diesel oil consumption increased due to the total distance travelled by KMB and LWB bus fleet in 2023 exceeded that of 2022. 12 The water consumption and electricity consumption in all KMB and LWB premises, excluding tenants, were taken into account. 13 There was an increase in water consumption as KMB and LWB diligently improved the cleanliness and hygiene standards of their bus fleets. This occurred despite the social epidemic returning to normal. 14 The non-renewable electricity consumption of KMB and LWB decreased due to the adoption of environmentally friendly initiatives and the installation of solar panels across depots, bus termini and bus shelters.